Taiwan / Picture Book / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Picture Book】Teng Yu 鄧彧 "紙上行旅的移動風景:六十種台灣觀察的進行式" Taiwan / Picture book / 在地特色 / 大塊文化 / Nostalgia / Culture / 紙上行旅(鄧彧)
Taiwan / Picture Book / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Picture Book】Chen Yu-Lin 陳又凌 "The most beautiful places in Taiwan: National Park Maps" Taiwan / 台灣地圖 / 地理 / Nature / Culture / Living Things / Picture Book / 聯經出版 / 陳又凌(Chen Yu-Lin)
Taiwan / Picture Book / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Picture Book】Chen Yu-Lin 陳又凌 "Taiwan Maps" Taiwan / 台灣地圖 / 在地特色 / 地理 / Culture / Picture Book / 聯經出版 / 陳又凌(Chen Yu-Lin)
Taiwan / Art Setting / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Art Setting】studio2 "The Art of Pigsy" studio2(兔子創意) / 八戒(Pigsy) / Animated film / Taiwan / Culture / hardcover / 美術設定集 / 西遊記 / 賽博龐克(Cyberpunk) / 遠流 / 邱立偉
Taiwan / Picture Book / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Picture Book】紙上行旅(Teng Yu 鄧彧 )|回家 Humanity / Taiwan / 大塊文化 / Culture / 紙上行旅(鄧彧) / Picture Book
Taiwan / Picture Book / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Picture Book】Hui-Ling Huang 黃惠玲|T is for Taiwan 余思瑩(阿力) / Taiwan / Culture / 橘枳 / 玉山社(星月書房) / 王逸蘭 / Picture Book / 風景 / 黃惠玲(Hui-Ling Huang) / 黃旭輝
Taiwan / Paper Art / Pop-Up / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Pop-Up Book】Min-Yuan HSIAO 蕭民遠、Hsin-Fu HUNG 洪新富|LOMA’原山圖 Pop-Up Book Humanity / 原住民 / Taiwan / 扶風文化(FUFONG) / Culture / 洪新富(Hsin-Fu HUNG) / Pop-Up / 蕭民遠(Min-Yuan HSIAO)
China / Illustration Art Book / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Art Book】Xia Xiao Xun 夏小鱘|The age of the song 24 solar terms / China / Animal / four seasons / 夏小鱘(Xia Xiao Xun) / Culture / plant / Living Things
Taiwan / Illustration Art Book / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Art Book】Chiyou 蚩尤|Oh, my Goddess! Taiwan / 大辣 / Mazu / Mazu Pilgrimage / Religion / Temple Culture / Culture / History / God / Chiyou
Taiwan / Illustration Art Book / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Art Book】Chiyou 蚩尤|Collection of Taiwan High School Girl Uniforms (3) Humanity / Uniform / Taiwan / Maiden / Culture / History / Gaea Books / Chiyou / High School
Taiwan / Illustration Art Book / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Art Book】Chiyou 蚩尤|Collection of Taiwan High School Girl Uniforms (2) Humanity / Uniform / Taiwan / Culture / History / Gaea Books / Chiyou / High School
Taiwan / Illustration Art Book / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Art Book】Chiyou 蚩尤|Collection of Taiwan High School Girl Uniforms Humanity / Uniform / Taiwan / Maiden / Culture / History / Gaea Books / Chiyou / High School
Taiwan / Illustration Art Book / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Art Book】Chiyou 蚩尤|Liou Shen Jhih Ming 留神之冥 Studio Amatiz / Humanity / Taiwan / Doujinshi / Chenghuang / Religion / Culture / Independent publishing / God / Chiyou / Convertible
Taiwan / Illustration Art Book / Unboxing 【Unboxing.Art Book】Chiyou 蚩尤|We Stay, We Live Taiwan Studio Amatiz / Humanity / Taiwan / 台灣元素 / Doujinshi / Religion / Building / Anthropomorphism / Culture / History / Independent publishing / Ecology / Living Things / Chiyou / Convertible