Japan / Illustration Art Book / Unboxing / Korea 【開箱.畫冊】gomzi《Flawless|展覽專刊》 … gomzi / 原動力視覺(d/art taipei) / Exhibition / Japan / Korea
Illustration Art Book / Unboxing / Korea 【Unboxing.Art Book】NOMA "The Garden of Trace: NOMA Art Book" NOMA / watercolor / hardcover / 陸角銀 Sixpence Gallery / 陸角銀藝術商行 / Korea
Picture Book / Unboxing / Korea 【開箱.圖文書】Aeppol 애뽈|成為你的森林:走進森林女孩的日常,成為你轉身的力量! Aeppol(애뽈) / four seasons / Picture book / Nature / Forest / 采實文化 / Korea
Illustration Art Book / Unboxing / Korea 【Unboxing.Art Book】pixiv|Artists in Korea pixiv / Tiv / モ誰(modare) / Asia / Collection / Illustrator Catalogue / Gaea Books / Korea
Illustration Art Book / Unboxing / Korea 【Unboxing.Art Book】Kim Kyoung Hwan|TAHRA’S ILLUSTRATION WORK COLLECTION Boyue Culture / hardcover / game character / Kim Kyoung Hwan / Korea
Picture Book / Unboxing / Korea 【Unboxing.Picture Book】Kim Minji 金珉志|Alice in Wonderland Alice in Wonderland / Core culture / watercolor / Fairy Tale / Classic / Picture Book / Kim Minji / Korea
Picture Book / Unboxing / Korea 【Unboxing.Picture Book】Kim Minji 金珉志|The Little Prince 安東尼.聖修伯里(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) / 小王子(The Little Prince) / Core culture / watercolor / Fairy Tale / Classic / Picture Book / Kim Minji / Korea
Illustration Art Book / Unboxing / Korea 【Unboxing.Art Book】Kim Minji 金珉志|Lunavis: travelers flying in the sky Alice in Wonderland / watercolor / Fairy Tale / Classic / The Wizard of Oz / Gaea Books / Kim Minji / Korea