- Title:A Year in Nature: A Carousel Book of the Seasons
- Illustrator:Eleanor Taylor
- Author:Hazel Maskell
- 設計:Evelin Kasikov
- Publisher:Laurence King Publishing
- Publication Date:2018-09-25
- Language:: English
- ISBN10:1786273063
- ISBN13:9781786273062
- Binding:精裝 / 8 頁 / 27.7 x 24.1 x 2.3 cm / 普通級
- Price:US$21.99(Books.com.tw 博客來)

📍 Official Video:https://youtu.be/ar4-G-ujeac
《A Year in Nature》利用十字型旋轉木馬書 4 個頁面的特色,呈現森林裡四季的景象 🍂。書本 360 度展開後,將書側的緞帶綁上固定,就可以一次看到 4 個頁面的立體場景;隨著書本的轉動、四季也遞嬗著。

插畫描繪出春夏秋冬不同的植物景色以及生物物種(春天鳥類、夏天蝴蝶 🦋、秋天松鼠與松果/蕈類……),其中都能看到狐狸一家,可以觀察小狐狸從春天到冬天的成長歷程!🦊

Official Introduction
A Year in Nature is a beautiful, unique introduction to the seasons and how they affect the natural world.
The book opens out into a stunning four-part carousel, revealing intricately detailed pop-up scenes of spring, summer, fall, and winter. Follow a family of foxes as the tiny cubs grow up through the year, and explore the woodland scenes to discover a world of animals, trees, plants, and flowers.
From a fawn taking its first steps to squirrels gathering nuts for winter, the woodland is vividly brought to life by Eleanor Taylor’s rich, distinctive illustrations.

About the Author
Hazel Maskell
Hazel Maskell is the author of many educational books for children, covering topics from animals and the natural world to going on holiday. She lives in Berkshire with her husband and three young sons.
Eleanor Taylor
Eleanor Taylor studied at the Norwich School of Art and the Royal College of Art. She has created illustrations for The Guardian, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Big Picture Press and Walker Books. She lives in Hastings.

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