💡 書籍基本資訊
- 書名:《The Art of Rise of the Guardians》
- 編者:夢工廠動畫(DreamWorks)
- 作者:Ramin Zahed
- 出版社:Insight Editions
- 出版日期:2012-10-23
- 語言:English
- ISBN10:1608871088
- ISBN13:9781608871087
- 裝訂:精裝 / 158 頁 / 25.7 x 28.7 cm / 普通級
- 定價:US$40.00

💬 書評
「捍衛聯盟(Rise of the Guardians)」是一部由「夢工廠動畫(DreamWorks)」製作的 3D 動畫電影(2012 年上映),內容改編自 William Joyce 的作品《The Guardians of Childhood》以及短片《The Man in the Moon》。

這本《The Art of Rise of the Guardians》是捍衛聯盟的美術設定集,收錄了動畫的製作過程,包含大量的概念藝術作品、角色設計、場景設定、視覺圖像、幕後訪談等,內容相當豐富!

全書共 158 頁,是大家所熟悉的「The Art of」美術設定集尺寸與裝幀。書中有很多大圖,盡可能地呈現圖片的細節,並搭配英文的文字說明。

📍 官方介紹
In Rise of the Guardians, North (Alec Baldwin), Bunnymund (Hugh Jackman), Tooth (Isla Fisher), and Sandman try to recruit the mysterious Jack Frost (Chris Pine) to help them stop Pitch (Jude Law) from putting an end to childhood belief and sending the world into eternal darkness. Rise of the Guardians is one of DreamWorks Animation’s most ambitious films to date, allowing families to get to know the icons of childhood in a whole new way. Its mythic premise provided the artists at the studio with an opportunity to let their imaginations soar, producing a truly unique take on the imaginary figures of childhood and the innocence and joy they represent. The Art of Rise of the Guardians is a fascinating look at the ways these artists and craftspeople collaborated to create a stunning CG movie in 3D that will change the way we look at childhood.

📍 作者簡介
Ramin Zahed
Ramin Zahed is a senior editor at Insight Editions and the former editor in chief of Animation Magazine. A journalist who has covered the film and television industries for over 20 years, his writing has appeared in Variety, the Hollywood Reporter, the Los Angeles Times, and Movieline. He is also the author of The Art of Home, The Art of Puss in Boots, The Art of Rise of the Guardians, and The Art of DreamWorks. He lives in Los Angeles.

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