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  • Title: Matsukaze
  • English Title: SONG OF SYLVAN
  • Author: Zao Dao
  • Publisher: Qiguo Cultural and Creative
  • Publication Date: 2015-12-14
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13: 9789869246309
  • Binding: Hardcover / 120 pages / 8k / 26.5 x 37.9 x 1.68 cm / regular grade / full color printing / first edition
  • Price: 900 yuan (reading used books)



I want to collect a collection of paintings for a long time~

The large-format hardcover collection is imposing, and is in perfect harmony with Zaomei's work.

There are the cover of the general edition [Beast] and the cover of the special access edition [Face the Sea], which tempts people to accept both, and one day they will collect both! (The [Face the Sea] version was opened out of the box, and both cover pictures are included in the album.)

Currently out of print, can only wait for the second-hand book slowly~

As for the version published in China, there are differences in the cover and layout. For a detailed comparison, please refer to this article "Separation of Paper".Comparison of printing between Chinese and Taiwan editions of Zaoda's album "Pine Wind"".

Waseda's works make people easily fall into her world at first acquaintance.

The wild themes and characters make people feel ripples in their hearts and generate a lot of emotional flow~

Different from the current popular drawing techniques, the ink painting style adds fantasy and humorous elements to outline unique works that can be enjoyed for a long time.

At the end of the book, you can see the author's text describing the creative process. For her, painting is a kind of practice. It seems to be quite understandable from the work.

It is recommended to start a book and savor it carefully!

"Unpacked before"19 days"In the manga collection, you can also see the short works of Waseda. ↓

Official Introduction

With the author's own style of painting techniques, he draws the kingly story of the juvenile slaying demons, and tells the journey of a young chivalrous warrior from the deep mountains, fighting swords in all directions, traveling in wonderland, slaying demons and slaying demons, and wiping away dust and seeing Buddha.

The content seems to be a metaphor for what happened to the rural villages due to environmental changes. The people in the villages were captured and eaten by the city, and they lost their original simple life and smile. The teenagers, maybe for defense, maybe for revenge, and stand up. confrontation.

The style is exquisite, the plot is simple, and it does not lose its grandeur.

About the Author

Zao Dao

Genius is probably like this! Once on the Internet, everyone was guessing: the age, gender, and location of the artist.

A mysterious painter: Zaomei, who calls himself a beast, says he is a ghost, likes mountains and fields, likes dogs, and may be Tibetan.

A 23-year-old young painter, who began to retreat to hone his painting skills three years ago (2013-2015), regarded painting as a kind of practice, and learned from it. ).

The author is a creator specially invited for the 2015 Angoulin Comics Festival in France.

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