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  • Title:Bo Ji
  • English Title:Thin Kyi: The Collections of Vision
  • Author:Yeah (YAYa)
  • Publisher:Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House
  • Publication Date:2010-08
  • Language:Simplified Chinese
  • ISBN13:9787535637352
  • Binding:Paperback/ 109 pages/ Normal grade/ 2-3
  • Price:RMB¥38.00(reading used books)
  • Special Code:Cross-fold poster x 1



Yeah’s works have come out and again, this is the second album after "Celadon". However, Taiwan does not represent the Traditional Chinese version, only the following books are available: "Vimo", "Flower girl", "Jinse".

The author is called a neoclassical illustrator in the market. Her works are mostly based on ancient Chinese themes, and the watercolor rendering is just right. It presents various appearances of female posture, and the ornaments and flowers are also very delicate.

This book is not just a collection of paintings, the illustrations in it are accompanied by text, which are story-telling. There are also short comics in the middle.

Unpacking the Yeah series of works:

Official Introduction

Not only the original picture book "Puppet Man", which is a collaboration with the famous internet writer Jue Sai Mingyue, is collected, but also "Infant Ning" and "Painted Skin" adapted from "Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio". The original work of "The Puppet" is a weird and fantastic story. The seemingly perfect husband possesses amazing secrets. This is a Chinese version of the "Blue Beard" story. Thriller and suspense challenge the limits of readers.

The popular "Ying Ning" is yet another challenge. How can we perfectly represent a story that everyone knows? How can people feel immersive? "Painted Skin" is another anticipated and re-interpreted script of "Bo Ji (New Version in 2011)", those entangled stories of hatred and love, those false and blurred, man and ghost, demon and man, demon and ghost, , The picture on the back of the paper.

The new character and style are re-interpreted with more beautiful and exquisite pictures, combining the classical Chinese illustration style of Japanese Ukiyo-e with the poignant, graceful and delicate text. It is necessary to present the most perfect picture combined with the most moving story to the waiting. Long-time viewers.

About the Author

Yeah (YAYa)

Chinese contemporary illustrator. His real name is Shen Yang, and his stage name is "Yeah". The exquisite style of painting and the foundation of traditional Chinese painting make her paintings full of ancient charm, permeated with ink and wash style, and show her unique style when expressing lazy women. In July 2006, the university graduation design work "Jie Ling" was reviewed and approved by the Academic Committee of Jiangnan University as the Academy Collection Award; in 2008, the work "Meeting Together" won the Golden Dragon Award for Best Illustration.


  • 001-Bo Ji-Seems like a beautiful lady is coming
  • 003-Light Summer-Preface to "Bo Ji"
  • 005-Painted Skin
  • 029-Doll
  • 061-Yingning
  • 087-String Song
  • 104 – Painting Ideas: Yeah Painting Tutorial
  • 108 – Who is looking forward to this magnificent show? Feeling the beauty of "Bo Ji"

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