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  • Title:White Tree Paintings of the Same Name
  • Original Title:White Tree Paintings of the Same Name
  • English Title:White Tree namesake Paintings: Bai Shu
  • Author:Bai Shu (White Tree)
  • Publisher:Heilongjiang Fine Arts Publishing House
  • Publication Date:2013-03
  • Language:Simplified Chinese
  • ISBN10:7531836416
  • ISBN13:9787531836414
  • Binding:Soft hardcover / 110 pages / 21 x 14.8 x 1.5 cm / normal grade / 1-1
  • Price:RMB¥45.00



I got a donation book~

I found that a lot of simplified painting collections follow this soft hardcover route.

The shading of the cover is quite special, with the cover image to create the effect of leaf lines.

The inner seal is a smooth surface, and is also designed with plants and leaves.

The transparent cover on the title page is beautiful, and the complete picture is also included in the collection.

The subject matter is modern & European style, with encounters between men and women and close-ups of characters.

There are many girls with big eyes, short curly hair and lace dresses, who are like dolls.

I like the butterflies (many works have) that the white tree adds to the screen from time to time, as well as animals and plants, small objects and texture details are described in detail, and the background is also very changeable.

Official Introduction

A collection of youth modern style paintings. Contains the most representative and selected paintings from debut so far, including the Golden Dragon Award-winning work "Wing" series, "Fiction Painting", "Xin Lei", "Kyushu" and other magazines, as well as the covers and pictures of youth novels.

"White Tree" editor recommendation: warm and fresh, natural and quiet, romantic and elegant, and occasionally with a touch of melancholy style, which is the most distinctive feature of the white tree paintings. With delicate brushstrokes, she captures a touch of pure color, restoring the most beautiful scenery she has ever seen, and taking you and me into a colorful and pure paradise.

The faint thoughts of the girl, the vague ambiguity between men and women. Like a young girl, she said she liked it in her heart. It feels good to want to touch, but with timidity, not knowing where to put the hand. It seemed that when I was painting, I found a little sweetness in love. When drawing the corners of the mouth and eyebrows, I often find myself smiling inadvertently. What are you laughing at? It seems like this, can the characters in the painting bring a touch of sweetness? In fact, I do not know. I just know that I am happy at this time.

I wish every reader who sees this collection a happy time. Thanks to the friends who have known me before and who have met me for the first time, I will definitely do better. ——White Tree


  • 005-Shimmer
  • 039-Jinxu
  • 067 – Nixia
  • 101-Listening
  • 108-Postscript

About the Author

Bai Shu (White Tree)

Chinese illustrator. The winner of the 8th Golden Dragon Award for Best Illustration, graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts with a major in art design. In 2007, he published his first color picture debut on "Xin Lei", mainly active in "Xin Lei", "Fiction Painting", "Kyushu" and other magazines, and was voted "Best Cover Artist" by readers many times .

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