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  • Title:UNLIGHT 2nd Anniversary Collection
  • EditBy:Techway
  • Publisher:Prestige
  • Publication Date:2013-12-03
  • Language:Traditional Chinese, Japanese
  • ISBN13:9789868918207
  • Binding:Paperback / 208 pages / Normal grade / Full color printing / First edition
  • Price:300 yuan



I used to play on Facebook Unlight(Tears of the times 🤣) I heard that it will be released this year Unlight HTML5~

The second creation of this work is very popular, although the game itself is not played very deeply, but I really like the character setting inside.

The appearance of the setting set is very concise with white characters on a black background, and the characters and totems are partially polished.

The number of pages is 208 and the price is not high. The content is presented in parallel in Chinese and Japanese.

(The paper is very smooth so the photo is super reflective)

The information of each character includes birthday, height, blood type, interest, weight, birth, and various card face illustrations.

However, if you are interested in more detailed settings, such as details of clothing objects, sketches, and creative ideas, you should see the fanzine published by the official painter Miya "MATERIALS series".

A total of 36 characters, relationship diagrams, and related game objects from "Alber List" to "CC" are included. The list of weapons and props (with values and functions indicated) is very similar to reading the game guide book XD

The most interesting thing is that it also includes events from the earliest days, and even adds a detailed record of each new content + attaches a promotional banner for the event.

Official Introduction

As a loyal UL player, you must not miss an essential book!

The full-color official set of the famous card battle game "UNLIGHT" on Facebook!
In addition to the role information, there are also confidential information such as interviews and world views!


  • 005 – Chapter.1 Chatacter
    • 006 – 146 All roles
    • 150-Character Relationship Diagram
    • 154-Coins, shards
  • 157 – Chapter.2 Quest
    • 158 – HexRealm
    • 160 – ShadowLand
    • 168 – MoonLand
    • 176 – Anemonea
    • 180-Props, weapons, virtual character clothes
  • 193 – Chapter.3 History
    • 194 – History of Unlight
    • 202-Producer & Art Director Interview

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