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  • Title:Wandering island
  • English Title:The Wandering Island
  • Author:In case of encounter
  • Illustrator: Nuan Nuan Shi, Lim Lian En, Yun Chuan, Cinyee Chiu, Jocelyn Kao
  • Publisher:DreamKeepr
  • Publication Date:2021-03
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13:9789860621907
  • Binding:Hardcover / 48 pages / 18 x 24 x 1 cm / regular grade / full color printing / first edition
  • Price:450 yuan (KingStone 金石堂)
  • Fundraising Bonus:Guide card, DIY picture card set

Official Introduction

"How would you feel if one day you received a letter from the past you wrote to yourself?"

"Wandering Island" in different time and space through the little postmanFive letters to my future self, strung together five independent stories, describing a process of finding myself. In the story, the little postman passes by many wandering islands, and every time it touches him to write a letter to his future self. These five letters to himself tell the mood of his youth, middle age and old age. Through the little postman's lifelong pursuit, the five stories are connected with each other.

Five stories by different painters so we canSee electro-painting, hand-painting and collage in the same book, works in different styles, let the wandering island show a diverse style. Five stories allude to common themes in relationships, and the five letters the little postman wrote to him reveal his own journey through self-talk. Like the little postman, we have both pursued and lost, but finally learned to embrace regret and find our original intention.

YouTube video:https://youtu.be/HLmkIiLmw9c
Fundraising link:https://www.zeczec.com/projects/dreamkeepr

"Eternal Flower" is a story about first love, which describes the legend of the mermaid in the fishing village of Miao. The boy abandoned the girl and went far away. Hearing the girl's cry, the stars fell from the night sky and became forget-me-nots on the hillside. The girl turned into an immortal mermaid, irrigating the eternal flower in her heart with tears. Just like the little mermaid in Andersen's fairy tale, she gave up everything for love and eventually turned into a bubble. When the sun shone softly on the little mermaid who turned into a bubble, she shed tears. She did not get an immortal soul, but she got the warmth she once yearned for. Yun Chuan visualizes the poignant legend of the mermaid with the landscape, creating a dreamy and sad atmosphere through gentle tones and delicate brushstrokes, depicting a mysterious romantic love story with some regrets.

At first glance, "Night to Find You" may seem like a summer night fantasy composed by mischievous sheep and mediocre shepherds, but the hide-and-seek interaction between shepherds and sheep hints at issues of control in relationships. Why do shepherds keep counting sheep? What is he looking for? We sometimes confuse love with control, forcing the other person to accept our control through caring and giving to satisfy our sense of security. But how can someone who is used to being raised in a relationship experience love that is respectful and equal? Only by being honest with yourself can you see yourself and the presence of others. The shepherd's heart is like an unfilled black hole. Only when he lets go of control can he truly embrace the sheep beside him. Shi Nuannuan's playful painting style subtly forms an irony with the connotations of the story.

"One Seed" is a story of hope. The girl picked up a seed and began to imagine the wonderful journey of the seed. Imagine taking her to the future where spring flowers are blooming, but snow starts to fall outside the window, and winter has come quietly. The train was about to stop at the terminal, her journey was coming to an end, and her heart was still eagerly looking forward to it. We are all passengers on this train, no one is spared, and the day of farewell will come. If you could write a letter to yourself on the day you said goodbye, what would you write? What kind of journey are you looking forward to now? In this story, which is a metaphor for death, Lin Lianen used the composition of the distant view to express the loneliness of the terminal, and used the contrast of cold and warm colors to distinguish the eager expectations of passengers inside the car from the cold reality outside the car.

"Time" is a story about missing. The protagonists of the story are Miss Snail, who needs to hibernate, and Mr. Mole, who wakes up after sunset. The two who get together less often can only meet occasionally in dreams. I expressed my expectations for a partnership through these two characters. Miss Snail and Mr. Mole are two completely different people, but they are tolerant and independent of each other. I believe that a mature relationship does not need to be day and night, not to rely on or demand, but to trust and respect. Cinyee expresses the flow of time with freehand brushstrokes, depicting the different seasons and poetic feelings in the story in a short space.

"It's Spring Again" describes a story of bravery against fate through the Rite of Spring in Miaoyu Village. That spring, the eruption of the bottom of the holy lake shook the earth, and the villagers braved the wind and rain to clear the caving earth and rocks, allowing the festival to continue. On the last night of the Spring Festival, the villagers sat around the lake, watched the burning flower boat float to the center of the lake under the stars, and sang prayers of blessing in unison to welcome the sunrise. With pliable hearts and persevering courage, they strive to protect what is most important to them. Jocelyn Kao uses bold color collisions, riotous colors, and stacks of prints to express spring in full bloom and strong emotional turns in the story.

The five stories take place in different seasons. With the passage of time, the little postman returned to the place where he started from that year after going through the vicissitudes of life, completing his journey. No matter how the years change, the little postman will never get old, he is still the original self. His eyes have seen the vicissitudes of life, but his heart is still the same as that of a child.

This is a fairy tale written for adults. The simple story hides different levels of interpretation information, and it is all up to the reader to interpret and experience it. I hope that through the rich images and deep story connotations, adults who still have tenderness and innocence in their hearts can find moving in the story.

If you were asked to write a letter to your future self, what would you write?

About the Author

In case of encounter

★ Author of the picture book "Little Postman on the Sea of Clouds"
★ 2020 Excellent Screenplay Award Finalist

Writing and falling in love always make me discover a different me. Creating for me is an adventure of inward exploration, allowing me to embrace the cruelty and tenderness of the world with my own gestures. My works are full of romantic feelings, lyrical, poetic and full of imagination. I long to have the eyes of a pair of children, to roam in that free world, and let my imagination take me to the farthest places.

Yun Chuan

Creating for me is a combination of personal aesthetics and things I love. I am inspired by plants and landscapes, and my style is feminine, soft and uniquely coloured. I am accustomed to using pencil line drafts as the basis, and then use the computer to color. I like to superimpose material effects to make the picture more hand-painted. I seem to have a special fascination with the texture of printed prints.

Shi Nuannuan

★ 2020 America's 3×3 Children's Illustration Category
★ 2019 Taiwan Cultural Expo, the Best Cultural and Creative Excellence Award of the Year
★ 2008, 2012 Xinyi Literature Award 3-8 years old selected

For me, creation is a way of conveying ideas. The topics I am interested in include the environment, life education, and equality. "Mom's Rejuvenation Phenomenon" is my most satisfying work. After becoming a mother, I really knew myself and understood the true meaning of freedom. While experiencing the arduous parenting process, I gained joy from being obsessed with idol groups and faced life more courageously.

Lin Lien

★ 2015, 2018 Italian Bologna Illustration Award Finalist
★ 2014 American 3×3 children's illustration works

Creation is spiritual food and daily life for me, and "Home" is the closest work to me in my creative career. I like to study media, and I want to paint something different every year. Recently, I like to create with water-based crayons, acrylic and collage. After seeing Catarina Sobral's work, I began to think about the interaction of dots, lines and surfaces in the picture, and the relationship between texture and color.

Cinyee Chiu

★ 2018 New York Illustrators Association Advertising Gold Award
★ 2018 Good Book Everyone Read The Best Painter of the Year "Stone of Youth"

I always create by hand-painting combined with electric painting. Some of the hand-painted media are more commonly used in opaque watercolors, pencils, and pastels. He likes animals, plants, and nature themes. His special focus is on environmental protection and sustainable living. Recently, he has become more and more interested in spiritual aspects. I hope my work can make people feel comfortable, at ease, and relieved.

Jocelyn Kao

I have passion and confidence in things, always moving towards the goal. Creative inspiration comes from travel, prefers electric painting, occasionally uses watercolor and crayon, and likes to paint cities, buildings, maps, cats and women. Good at combining bold color schemes with intricate details, his work is colorful and laid-back.



"Wandering Island" was purchased through fundraising, and the plan also got another book "Wandering Island"The little postman on the sea of clouds". These two picture books are related and officially described. "Wandering Island" continues the worldview of the first book "The Little Postman in the Clouds". If "The Little Postman in the Clouds" describes the little postman with a poetic long shot "Wandering Island" tells the story of the island through close-up shots.

When I saw this fundraising plan before, my eyes lit up, because I actually received a letter from myself 10 years ago when I was cleaning a room, so I also wrote a letter to my future self. Although this picture book is connected by a few short stories, it contains many emotions, and different people will have different resonance points when reading it!

On the cover of the picture book, the little postman (Obi Rabbit) riding a feather has a debossed design, and the title and some scenes are partially varnished. The black paper of the butterfly page is easy to print with hand patterns~ I really like the specially designed DIY picture cards, which can be made into three-dimensional small islands by hand, but the picture cards are made of snow copper paper that is not very thick, and it is not easy to remove The grooves need to be cut and assembled by DIY. With a few cute guide cards, you can better understand the illustrator's creative concept!

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