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  • Title:Pirate. discipline. Time: The Sixth Anniversary Collection of Tomb Raiders Notes
  • Original Title:The Sixth Anniversary Collection of Tomb Raiders Notes: Pirates. discipline. Time
  • English Title:Tomb notes the sixth anniversary of the official commemoration of Paintings: Pirates of the discipline
  • Author:Nan Pai San Shu
  • Illustrator: He Hewu, Wang Yi, Mianlang, Dongdong, KAGA, kagalin, Ayaya, Wu Lala, Fuchuan, Jisu, Huaxiao Jiuye, Misha and others
  • Publisher:Putian Publishing House
  • Publication Date:2012-09-04
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13:9789862197196
  • Binding:精裝 / 128 頁 / 21 x 29.7 x 1.79 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • Price:480 yuan (Dried shrimp)



The work "Grave Robber Notes" was completed when the university was relatively free, and it happened that there were physical books in the library near my home. Sometimes it's tedious when I read it at night. The descriptions in the tomb are very realistic, and I really like the distinctive characteristics of the characters in the story.

Originally receivedSimplified Chinese(It seems that there are multiple versions), but later sold and changed to traditional Chinese version. Both versions are hardcover, but I personally feel that the Chinese version pays more attention to the design details (but cheaper), such as the hollow design of the cover (but it is also easy to fold), the bookmark line, and the independent collection card.

The collection gathers the works of more than 40 creators, many of whom are familiar painters, such as He Wu, Mianlang, Xixiguo, Wang Yi, Honglin, etc. But the content is arranged according to the theme of the classic scenes of the tomb notes, so the painter will jump around (?).

I don’t know which character illustration image best fits the author's Nanpai Sanshu’s mind?

When reading a novel, every reader has a different look in his mind for the characters in the book. So when you appreciate this collection of paintings, you may be a little confused, sometimes agree, and sometimes disagree. However, you can see their images (mainly Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling) in the hearts of various creators!

Official Introduction

◆ More than 40 outstanding painters work together for unprecedented interpretation

In 2006, the Nanpai Sanshu began to write "Grave Robber Notes", which immediately set off a powerful whirlwind with unique character design, thrilling compact and bizarre plot and suspense, and millions of readers on both sides of the strait Be involved in it, don't extricate yourself.

In 2012, the final chapter of "Tomb Raiders Notes" has been published, and the trend of tomb robbery still persists. Old readers are still reluctantly sinking into it, and new readers are still joining in, adventuring together with the protagonists, worrying together, crying together, and laughing together.

Now, six years after the birth of "Tomb Raiders", the Nanpai Sanshu has called on more than 40 outstanding painters who are famous in the field of illustration and have different styles to transform the "tomb space" composed of text into sheets. Exquisite colored scrolls are fully presented.

Shaping vivid and full characters, recreating the climax of the journey, and recording all the touches in the past six years, this is "Pirates. discipline. Time: The Sixth Anniversary Collection of Tomb Raider Notes. As a loyal reader, it is absolutely not to be missed.

About the Author

Nan Pai San Shu

His real name is Xu Lei, from Hangzhou. He grew up listening to stories about tomb robberies and antiques. During the day, he runs a trading company, and at night, he is a master of Internet creators in the Chinese circle. With a piece of "Tomb Raiders Notes", he became popular in the Chinese world and ranks among the best-selling authors. He is the author of "Grave Robber Notes", "Desert Grey Wolf"... and other books.

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