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  • Title: Disease Personification Set 2
  • English Title: The Art of Personified Disease 2
  • Illustrator: ALOKI, Quan, Say HANa, Chi You
  • Publisher: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • Publication Date: 2021-12
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13: 9789865469702
  • Binding: Paperback / 112 pages / 19 x 26 x 1 cm / regular grade / full color printing / first edition
  • Price:499 元
  • Gift: One 2022 calendar card



Continue "Disease Anthropomorphic Set 1"Comed to the second episode!

In this series, four outstanding Taiwanese illustrators "ALOKI", "Quan", "Say HANa", and "Chi You" have set up and illustrated a total of 39 characters. The "disease" that is unfamiliar or feared by ordinary people is personified into a charming character, so that people can understand various diseases from a more vivid perspective, and know themselves and their enemies.

● On the left is "2020 year"and"2021"Disease anthropomorphic desk calendar↓

The layout of the two books is similar, and the second episode includes "SRC Vanguard" and 18 diseases.

(The words of the director of episodes 1 and 2, and some pages introducing CDC are exactly the same)

The 1 and 2 episodes were published at the same time, this is the rhythm of a sequel XD? (Otherwise, it would be fine to synthesize one)

Both books come with a calendar card for 2022 each.

You can see the shiny silver ink everywhere in the book, and the overall design is quite good~

Each disease character has its own personal page.

Including the real characteristics of the disease, such as the route of infection, symptoms, mortality, prevention methods, etc., published by the CDC is even more credible.

Appreciating the beautiful illustrations, and learning new knowledge at the same time, really do it all in one fell swoop 🎉

Then match the characters' virtual personal settings (birthday, personality, likes and dislikes, etc.) to make them come alive.

The illustrators are very attentive to the setting of disease anthropomorphism, and have done a lot of research, so you can savor the interesting associations.

North, Ji Tao, Huaying, Gaoping, Jinchengnan, and Xinxin of the "SRC Pioneer Force" correspond to 6 control centers in Taiwan. (Name yourself Lenovo XD)

The highlight of this book is probably "Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia (COVID-19)" on page 64.

The setting of the painter Chi You is also very subtle, setting it as an international hacker with unknown physical characteristics; the TV wall behind it shows the epidemic that is raging everywhere, and some of the details are also very impressive.

(Although the epidemic has slowed down, I still hope to completely eradicate it. It is hard to imagine that it has coexisted with the epidemic for 2 years)

The last part is an interview with the artists "ALOKI" and "Say HANa".

By the way, now until April 5, 2022 (Tuesday), there is a "This. No Exam 2: Disease Personification Exhibition"(Klook buy tickets), a single exhibition ticket is only 80 yuan, if you pass by, you can go shopping!

An introduction to the exhibition can be found here:https://pier2.org/exhibition/info/945/

Official Introduction

Since 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health and Welfare has launched 39 anthropomorphic characters for diseases and epidemic prevention operations. This volume includes SRC pioneers, 14 airborne or droplet infectious diseases, and 4 contact infectious diseases. Disease health education information and Character setting, introducing infectious diseases to the public in an entertaining way, and then establishing the concept of disease prevention.

Characters included: SRC Vanguard, MERS-CoV, Varicella & Shingles, Smallpox, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Meningococcal Meningitis, Legionnaires' Disease, Measles, Tuberculosis, Novel Influenza A, Hantavirus Syndrome, German Measles, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Severe Idiopathic Pneumonia, Ebola Virus Infection, Rabies, Tetanus, Leptospirosis


  • 004 – Overture
    • 012 – Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS)
    • 020 – Smallpox SMALLPOX
    • 024 – Pertussis PERTUSSIS
    • 028 – Influenza INFLUENZA
    • 032 – Meningococcal meningitis MENINGOCOCCAL MENINGITIS
    • 044 – TUBERCULOSIS
    • 056 – German measles RUBELLA
    • 060 – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome SARS
    • 064 – Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia COVID-19
    • 072 – RABIES
    • 076 – Tetanus TETANUS
  • 084 – Interview with Painter・ALOKI
  • 086 – Painter Interview・Say HANa
  • 088 – Addendum
  • 110 – Words from the Director
  • 111 – About the CDC

About the Editor

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Ministry of Health and Welfare

After the enterovirus pandemic in 1998, in order to break through the difficulties of my country's epidemic prevention and unify the work of infectious disease prevention and control, the Department of Health, the General Office of Quarantine, and the Institute of Preventive Medicine were integrated, and the "Executive Yuan" was established on July 1, 1999. The "Disease Control Bureau of the Department of Health" has been restructured three times and changed to "The Department of Health and Welfare Center for Disease Control" on July 23, 2013. So far, it has established a strong epidemic prevention network for the whole people.

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