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  • Title: Sleep: Starry Axing Illustration Collection
  • Original Title: Sleep: Starry Axing Illustration Collection
  • Author: Starry
  • Publisher: Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House
  • Publication Date: 2016-02
  • Language:Simplified Chinese
  • ISBN13: 9787535675439
  • Binding: Soft hardcover / 125 pages / 30 x 25 x 1 cm / normal grade
  • Price: RMB¥48.00
  • Gift: 40P Lineart Coloring Book x 1



A collection of paintings that I collected a long time ago, probably because there are many animals in it (?)

Soft hardcover art book, comes with a coloring book of 40 black and white line drawings. (I think it looks better without coloring 😂)

It has a realistic and childlike style of painting, and the creative elements and composition put into the work are impressive!

Wonder if the brushstrokes are deliberately shaped into a less clear, hand-drawn style?

I especially like the snails and butterflies, works that stuff a lot of elements within a certain canvas~

The depiction of plants and animals is very to my taste 🐋

Reading the whole book is very healing.

Official Introduction

Everyone in the world is a dream maker. Twisting the golden thread of the dream, passing through the imaginary silver needle, using flowers and tears to weave a warm fairy tale in a small dream, and "Sleep" is such a scene, a beautiful dream intertwined by forests, teenagers and flowers .

Well-known painter Starry Axing's first personal painting collection "Sleep", carefully created three series of "Dreamland", "Forest" and "Game", including nearly 90 illustrations, and the book comes with forty line drafts. This book allows you to draw your own color world as you like.


  • 002 – Dreamland
  • 050 – Forest
  • 098 – Games

About the Author


Chinese illustrator, freelance illustrator. Published picture books "Travel Story", "Fairy Tale Town", and art collection "Sleep". Illustrated picture book works will be published in magazines such as "Huiyi", "Huixin", "Fiction Painting", "Yuehui", "Painting Box" and other magazines.

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