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  • Title: ニュー・リアルクローズイラストレーション
  • English Title:NEW REAL CLOTHES ILLUSTRATION: Outfit Ideas for You
  • Editor:PIE International (パイインターナショナル)
  • Cover painter: tamimon
  • Publisher:PIE International (パイインターナショナル)
  • Publication Date: 2021-10-18
  • Language:Japanese
  • ISBN10: 4756255469
  • ISBN13: 9784756255464
  • Binding: Paperback / 192 pages / 24 x 17 x 1 cm / normal grade / full color printing
  • Price: JPY¥2,000 (Books.com.tw 博客來)



Continuing from the previous episodeREAL CLOTHES ILLUSTRATION" design style, this "NEW REAL CLOTHES ILLUSTRATION" is a new series of works that will be published in 2021~ (add a NEW 🤣 in front)

I found this book out of the box and found that it has a sub-label theme XD

The sub-label of the previous one is Outfit of the Day, this one is Outfit Ideas for You, but the overall content and arrangement of the works are similar.

The content of the collection is to integrate the works of 40 illustrators with different styles into a series, as if reading a fashion magazine~

Cover illustration by tamimon.

with the previous episodeREAL CLOTHES ILLUSTRATION"Similarly, both the appearance and the inner pages are very ingenious. The title of the book spine is composed of a "sticker" that spans the back of the book cover. The butterfly pages and the inner cover are all bright and beautiful colors; the book is interspersed with Different printing papers, the layout is very good-looking, it is really a very complete published work! Flip through the physical book in your hand, and the little flowers bloom in your heart~

(The texture of the cover and title stickers of the first and second episodes is that the smooth surface and the matte surface are reversed, which is quite interesting ㄉ)

At the end of the book is an additional light blue booklet, which is the introduction of the 40 illustrators included. The interesting thing is that in addition to the basic information and community accounts, there are also favorite clothing brands and fashion styles~

The collected works are mainly based on fashion and wear. You can see many excellent creations of different styles at one time, which is very exciting!

個人覺得是非常有收藏價值的系列畫集,很推薦入手這兩本畫集 😍


Official Introduction

Find new possibilities for dressing from illustrations

This series, which brings together the most high-profile new generation creators to showcase the latest fashion illustrations, follows on from last year's ""REAL CLOTHES Selected Collection of Fashion Dressing and Styling Illustrations"After that, I finally launched the latest work "The Latest Fashion Illustration Collection" this year. In addition to inviting the popular illustrator tamimoon, who is loved by young people with a fashionable style of painting, to draw the cover for this book, we also invited a brand-new illustrator to draw the cover. Creativity and excellent creativity are active in the front-line design group BALCOLONY to design this magazine. In addition, fashion illustrations of 40 creators are also included. I hope everyone can find new possibilities for dressing in the illustrations.

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