- Title: Sure enough, my youth romantic comedy was wrong. Album: Ponkan8 ART WORKS
- Original Title: "やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている. 』ぽんかん8 ARTWORKS
- Author: Ponkan8 (ぽんかん⑧)
- Publisher: Tip
- Publication Date: 2021-09-01
- Language:Traditional Chinese
- ISBN13:9786263088757
- Binding:Paperback / 200 pages / 21 x 29.7 x 1.5 cm / Normal grade / Full color printing / First edition
- Price: 1,200 yuan (KingStone 金石堂 1,020 yuan)
- Gift: Folder x 1
I knew before the work "Sure enough, my youth romantic comedy was wrong", which is "Fruit green"(Sounds like some kind of drink), but this was originally borrowed from a colleague to open the box~
For albums that have not seen the work, I often wonder whether to open the box after reading the work XD
After a little tasting, I think it's quite interesting, you can take a look when you have time!
At the same time that this collection of paintings was published, there was also a release of 14.5 episodes of bundled novels.Limited Commemorative Bundle Edition", I deeply feel that the pricing of Taiwan's art collections is gradually increasing 🤣
The picture book comes with a paper shell, although it doesn’t seem to be functional. XD
The cover of the paper shell is Yukino, the cover of the album is Yui, the inner cover is Yui, and the attached folder is Yui, two to two:)
The inner pages are made of paper and have a smooth surface, which makes you feel pretty good when you flip through them~
This book is entirely a picture book, no novels, animation setting materials, etc., up to 200 pages are all Ponkan8 illustrations, and the amount of pictures is very rich.
From the cover of each episode of light novels, black and white inner page pictures, related pictures, to special codes, peripherals, copy paintings, exhibitions, etc., whether you are fans of works or like Ponkan8 illustrations, you can watch it very enjoyable!
In the beginning, there was a big difference between the way the characters were presented in the recent past. I prefer the subtle feeling now. The background, light and shadows and objects are all very fascinating.
At the end is an interview between Ponkan8 and Guoqing author Du Hang. There is a three-fold double-sided page at the end of the book~
Official Introduction
A total of 10 million breakthroughs worldwide! !
★ Unprecedented three in a row! Following 2014 and 2015, once again won the first place in the "2016 This Light Novel Is Really Amazing" works category! First place in the illustrator department! The most popular actor first place!
The 10th anniversary of "Guo Qing". The trajectory of the collection of illustrations from the first to the end of the collection of illustrations, including the definitive version of the single-line book not included in the illustrations! Containing author Du Hang & illustrator Ponkan8's first conversation "Sure enough, my youth romantic comedy was wrong" masterpiece illustration collection! ! !
- 003 – Cover Illustration Gallery
- 029 – Pin-Up Illustration Gallery
- 099 – Monochrome Illustration Gallery
- 137 – Other Illustration Gallery
- 173 – Media Mix Package Illustration Gallery
- 198 – TALK with
About the Author
Ponkan8 (ぽんかん⑧)
Japanese illustrator. by"Sure enough, my youth romance comedy was wrong"Series is very popular, and other masterpieces include "Student Union Detective Tongxiang", "White box"Wait.
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