- Title:機器人不喜歡下雨天
- Original Title:Les robots n’aiment pas l’eau
- English Title:Robots: Watch out, Water about!
- Author: 菲利普 UG(Philippe Ug)
- Translator:接喜
- Publisher:臺灣麥克
- Publication Date:2017-04-01
- Language:Traditional Chinese
- ISBN10:9862037482
- ISBN13:9789862037485
- Binding:精裝 / 16 頁 / 15 x 21 cm
- Price:650 元

《機器人不喜歡下雨天》是法國紙藝大師「菲利普 UG(Philippe Ug)」的作品,他的其他立體書創作、台灣代理中文版的有:《Happy bird", "Butterfly Secret Garden", "Wood Elf in Winter", "Princess Lola and the golden button》,每一本都別具特色!✨
- How to read pop-up books? French paper art master Philippe UG: You have to open it hard and close it gently, as if you are doing exercises for the paper https://okapi.books.com.tw/article/9567
- Creating artworks that can be read in 360 degrees (Part 1)-Interview with French pop-up book master Philip UG https://meet.eslite.com/tw/tc/article/201803070049
讓人印象深刻的是,「菲利普 UG」強調立體書就是要反覆翻看、用力展開、像在幫紙做運動。我們可以用這樣的態度來翻看這次開箱的《機器人不喜歡下雨天》立體書 XD!


Official Introduction
法國紙藝大師菲利普 UG(Philippe UG)作品首度中文化
The meticulous, exquisitely crafted paper sculptures, with bright and saturated colors, are the surprises designed and created by Philippe UG (Philippe UG), France's highly noticed and loved, iconic master of serigraphy and paper art. Let the innocent children not only be influenced by vision and beauty while reading cute stories, but also feel the fun and rhythm of the text like light songs!
「菲利普 UG 的作品讓各年齡層的讀者們都能自在潛游其中,畫面的各個不同角度,就像一首美麗的詩。」——法國.國家圖書館《兒童圖書雜誌》

About the Author
Philippe UG
French paper art master and painter. After graduating from the art school in Paris, Philip began a career in painting and book creation for more than 20 years. In terms of artistic expression, his creative styles are very diverse. Whether it is illustration, serigraphy, various printing techniques, or paper art creation, he has created many amazing works.
Philip UG can be regarded as the forerunner of modern artistic pop-up book creation. It is also a rare creator of pop-up book creation. The image, text and paper art technology are all done independently. His pop-up book creation is self-study. Since the 1990s, he has begun to study new creation methods and techniques. Because of his achievements, pop-up books have become popular, and readers can also own and appreciate pop-up books that are like works of art at a more approachable price. At the same time, Philip's pop-up book is more poetic in addition to being meticulous, so that readers of all ages can feel and move, just like reading a beautiful poem.
Currently, Philip UG has not only continued to create, but also founded his own publishing house. So far, he has published nearly 200 books and cooperated with top French paper art creators.

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