- Title:My Friend Earth
- Author:Patricia MacLachlan
- Illustrator:Francesca Sanna
- Publisher:Chronicle Books
- Publication Date:2020-02-25
- Language::English
- ISBN10:0811879100
- ISBN13:9780811879101
- Binding:精裝 / 44 頁 / 28.6 x 23.5 cm / 普通級 / 初版
- Price:£12.99(Books.com.tw 博客來)

The first time I read this picture book at Eslite, I was amazed, except that it is my favorite illustration style and the content isAnthropomorphic earth, Stories of various creatures (the theme of my love), every page also hasDigging and rolling design, special tailoring, "turning" mechanism, Create the interaction and association between pages, some even showDifferent levels of visual effects, The illustration is a good link between the page and the back and forth between the pages. The small disadvantage is that there are small white dots on the cutting line on the edge of the special cut.
The cover is embossed and partially polished, and the butterfly page can be used to find where the protagonist is hiding. Just one bookShowing the seasons, Chimpanzees, zebras, wild horses, polar bears, whales, brown bears...many animals are friends of the "earth".
really likeThe protagonist and the polar bear look into the sea from the ice caveIn this scene (the four ice caves next to it are also designed for digging and rolling), and the protagonist sits on the beach with his knees exposed, and after turning the page, it becomes an island in the sea! (The following figure)

Official Introduction
"Journey" Francesca. Sanna x Newbury Gold Award Author’s Gentle Confession for the Earth
The earth is our dear friend. She wakes up from hibernation with the earth. She waters the rain, protects the seeds to grow and grows and takes care of animals, large and small, until the next winter, the earth is covered with silver snowflakes...
Wandering about the poetic words, following the footsteps of the mother of the earth, gazing at the land where we live with gentle eyes, carefully observing the movement of nature and the circulation of the four seasons. The ingenious digging and rolling design, special page tailoring, and the illustration itself cleverly echo, creating a rich visual effect.
The Italian painter Francesca, who used The Journey to arouse people's attention to refugee issues. Sanna (Francesca Sanna), this time with Newbury Gold Award "Ugly and Tall Sarah" author Patricia. Patricia MacLachlan not only brings a peculiar and stunning aesthetic reading experience, but also shows the close connection between life and the earth, inviting readers to love our dear earth together.

About the Author
Patricia MacLachlan
Patricia MacLachlan is an acclaimed author who has written dozens of books--from picture books to novels--including the Newbery Medal winner Sarah, Plain and Tall and the Barkus series, also published by Chronicle Books. She lives in western Massachusetts.
Francesca Sanna
Francesca Sanna grew up on the Italian island of Sardinia. She studied illustration at the School of Visual Arts in New York and the Academy of Art and Design in Lucerne. Her book The Journey received five starred reviews and was lauded by the New York Times and the Guardian. Francesca currently lives in Zurich, but you can visit her at francescasanna.com.

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