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  • Title:Waltz
  • Original Title:Department Store ワルツ
  • English Title:Waltz of Department Store
  • Author:Matsuo Hiromi (Matsuo Hiromi)
  • Publisher:Wanderer culture
  • Publication Date:2017-06-06
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13:9789869467810
  • Binding:平裝 / 116 頁 / 14.8 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • Price:350 yuan

Official Introduction

★ Gorgeous and romantic Taisho Era Department Store Story
★ Popular illustrator Hiromi Matsuo's first collection of comics and illustrations that jumped onto the commercial stage
★ Launched in Japan and set off a sales boom
★ Recommended works by the Review Committee of the 20th Media Art Festival of the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan

A super-popular Japanese painter with a soft and beautiful style-Matsuo Hiromi (Matsuo Hiromi)'s first collection of manga and illustrations. Because he loves the style of the Taisho period, he creates a dream department store story that blends Eastern and Western styles with delicate brushstrokes and colorful painting styles.

Japan's Taisho period (1912-1926) happened to be a transitional period between tradition and Westernization, and the ideology gradually opened up. It was also a glorious period when Japanese literature and painting blossomed. "Taisho Romance" describes such a prosperous and beautiful era.

This book sets the stage of the story in a popular department store in a certain city in the early twentieth century, Sanhong Department Store. A huge Ferris wheel is placed on top of the magnificent building. After opening the door, it is the time and space journey of the Taisho and Showa periods, vividly depicting the new The cultural shock and excitement brought by the times. From the first floor to the sixth floor, the department store includes clothing accessories, jewelry, beauty salons, cosmetics, kimonos, gentlemen's clothes, stationery shops, coffee shops...Each floor has a dazzling array of imported goods, and girls in kimonos and swan Convincing beauty is dizzying. The magnificent Sanhong department store opens its doors here and waits for your visit.

Special articles from the blog:https://okapi.books.com.tw/article/9793


  • Welcome greeting 4
  • First floor
    • Clothing Accessories Hall 10
    • Jewellery and Watches Gallery 24
  • Second floor
    • Fashion salon 28
    • Cosmetic Pavilion 38
    • Cafe 43
  • Third floor
    • Kimono Building 46
  • Fourth floor
    • Ladies Clothing Hall 62
  • Fifth floor
    • Gentleman's Suit Hall 80
    • Stationery Hall 82
    • Cafe 84
    • Public Relations Department Reference Room 88
  • Sixth floor
    • Meal Restaurant 96
  • Top floor
    • Sky Garden 112
  • Postscript 114
  • 【Comic Waltz】13, 31, 49, 65, 99
  • 【Window of Sanhong Department Store】26, 44, 60, 78, 86, 110

About the Author

Matsuo Hiromi (Matsuo Hiromi)

Japanese illustrator. A native of Shimane Prefecture, currently living in Okayama Prefecture. The main job is to draw book illustrations. Love kimono and modern architecture.



"Department Store Waltz" is a collection of cute cartoons and illustrations. The title of the cover is partially polished, the inner cover is printed with black letters on a white background and an illustration of the appearance of a department store, and the title page is a design and paper similar to wrapping paper. The book’s folds, separate pages, illustrations, and small decorations make the whole book full of designs that are intertwined with Eastern and Western styles. The small details are amazing!

The content of the book is a "Three Red Department Store" fictionalized by the author, showing the appearance of a department store in the early twentieth century. There are many short colorful comics, the coloring of the comics is very colorful but there is a great sense of harmony.

From the welcome greeting to the sky garden on the top floor, it seems like a trip to a department store. The book lists various details such as flyers, product catalogs (and prices), product labels, and shopping mall maps. I have been to the Lin Department Store in Tainan several times before, and I can feel the background of time and space a bit!

Many of the illustrations are girls in kimonos. Although they are mainly women, the men in Matsuo Hiromi's works are also very good.

On the whole, I really like the arrangement of various design styles of "Department Store Waltz", but because of the volume of the book, the picture is a bit small.

想欣賞大幅作品的話,可以參考作者的畫集《A carefully selected collection of popular painters Hiromi Matsuo".

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