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  • Title:SERENDIPITY Maejima Juki Picture Album
  • Original Title:SERENDIPITY Maejima Juki Art Collection
  • English Title:Serendipity – Shigeki Maeshima Artworks
  • Author:Maeshima Shigeki (Maeshima Shigeki)
  • Publisher:Qingwen
  • Publication Date:2012-08-15
  • Language::traditional Chinese
  • ISBN10:9863102881
  • ISBN13:9789863102885
  • Binding:Paperback / 96 pages / 21 x 29.7 cm / Normal grade / Full color printing / First edition
  • Price:650 yuan
  • Gift:A4 Copy the original painting group (three entries)



With this number of pages, the pricing of Taiwan’s commercial art collections in 2012 was also very high (650 yuan), which happened to be Books.com.tw 博客來 I only bought it at half the price, which is a relatively untouched illustrator.

The book "Hirohiko Araki, recommended!" with a big waist attracts attention XD

The book cover is made of grained shading material, which has a texture to the touch (very like it), and the words are in hot silver.

A short introduction to the title of the book on the title page:

  • SERENDIPITY [Name] The ability to unexpectedly discover happy things

Approximately half of the pages are composed of former Jijijuki's work "Fighting Secretary"Illustration, the first few new pictures are very good~

I personally think that he painted women with different skin tones to look good! I really want to touch it (hey)

The textures in the details of the objects are also very careful.

Official Introduction

Recommended by Hirohiko Araki of "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" and "Bao Ma Ye Lang"!

"Jungji, of course I am on your side!"

Including the "Combat Division Book" series from the Jingying Library, and many other precious illustrations that are newly drawn and pressed at the bottom of the box are included!

About the Author

Maeshima Shigeki (Maeshima Shigeki)

Japanese manga artist and illustrator.

Works include "Resurrection Land" (Hayakawa Bunko), "Insect Ninja" (Tokuma DUAL Bunko), "Real Name Codex" and "Paradise II" (Dianwantong Bunko) and other illustrations.

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