- Title:The Art of Loish: A Look Behind the Scenes
- Author:Lois Van Baarle(Loish)
- Publisher:3dtotal Publishing
- Publication Date:2016-04-05
- Language:: English
- ISBN10:190941428X
- ISBN13:9781909414280
- Binding:精裝 / 152 頁 / 26.7 x 26.4 x 2.3 cm / 普通級
- Price:US$34.99(Books.com.tw 博客來)

前陣子剛好看到作者在 Instagram 上回顧,就也來開箱!
《The Art of Loish》是荷蘭插畫家 Lois Van Baarle(Loish)在 2016 年出版的第一本個人畫集,當時是採集資的方式出版,反應熱烈。目前有翻譯成西班牙語、日本語、Simplified Chinese(上海人民美術出版社)版本。Loish 後續也在 2018 年出版第二本畫集《The Sketchbook of Loish: Art in Progress》、2022 年出版第三本畫集《The Style of Loish: Finding Your Artistic Voice".
(同個出版社、同樣集資出版的畫集讓我聯想到《The Art of Guweiz》,歡迎前往查看開箱文章。)

大本方形的版面恰到好處地呈現一幅幅作品,整本書共 152 頁。

書中有一個段落是作者重新繪製 3 幅早期作品,一樣的靈感、能對照過去與現在繪畫技巧的變化,對於個人來說想必很有意義。每一位創作者都有必經的新手期,也在不斷精進自己的繪圖旅程中,堆疊出如今的繪畫技巧與個人風格!

Loish 的作品令人印象深刻,靈動的角色、成熟的線條、光影呈現,在在吸引人們的目光~
書的最後有 2 幅作品的詳細流程解說(blue lagoon、cafe presse),以及繪圖上的小技巧與講解。整本書對於有志於插畫創作的讀者會蠻有幫助的!

Official Introduction
Lois van Baarle is a freelance animator/illustrator from the Netherlands who graduated in 2009 from the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht. Since then, her work has become very popular across the internet, with her Facebook followers closing in on one million and her Twitter account watched by over nineteen thousand eager eyes. The Art of Loish is her first “art of” book, and will examine her inspirations while showcasing some of her early work. Following this, the reader will learn how she developed her very distinctive style and discover advice as she discusses her working methods, offering tips on a variety of techniques that she utilizes in her art every day. The additional exclusive content of this book makes it a must-have for any lover of Loish’s work.
- 004 – foreword
- 006 – introduction
- 008 – artistic journey
- 024 – behind the scenes
- 062 – digital painting
- 082 – sketches & studies
- 100 – concept art & storyboards
- 124 – tutorials
- 142 – quick tips
- 152 – thank you

About the Author
Lois Van Baarle(Loish)
Lois has been drawing since the day she could hold a pencil, and started teaching herself to draw digitally in 2003. Although she was born in Holland and has Dutch nationality, she has lived all over the world, including the United States, Indonesia, France and Belgium. Upon finishing high school in 2004, she studied animation in Ghent (Belgium) for a year and then moved back to her home country to study animation at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (HKU) in Hilversum. She is currently a freelance illustrator and animator located in Utrecht (the Netherlands).

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