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  • Title:Lunavis, a traveler flying in the sky
  • English Title:Lunavis: travelers flying in the sky
  • Author:Kim Minji
  • Publisher:Gaea Books
  • Publication Date:2012-04-11
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13:9789866157776
  • Binding:Paperback / 192 pages / 26 x 18.5 x 1.5 cm / Normal grade / Full color printing / First edition
  • Price:480 yuan (Second-Hand Books)

● The text with crayon brush is very cute↓

● The inner seal reminds me of the white crayons I used to create with watercolors when I was a kid↓



This book was purchased at the Taipei International Book Fair in 2013 (QQ has been suspended for two years due to the epidemic).

Integral binding and printing and the "Wu Breez. ten years", "Wu Breez. Shuangzheng》Similar (I will unpack these 2 books in the future!), the design with rounded corners is very cute, and the paper is not very thick.

By the way, Gaia’s collections of paintings are all uniform in size, and they are well collected. They won’t have obsessive-compulsive disorder in the past.Ten Colors Thousand Views", "Uniform is supreme", "Huwei Painting Post".

● There are also cute illustrations on the book waist fold ↓

● Gradient on the sides↓

The author, Kim Minji (Kim Minji) is a Korean illustrator. Her warm, healing and fresh watercolor style is particularly impressive! It is rare to see that Taiwan will act as an agent for a collection of Korean illustrators, and there is a special note on the waist of the book that it is the first authorized publication in the world.

Before this, Taiwan also published 2 classic picture books with illustrations drawn by Kim Minji: "little Prince"as well as"Alice in Wonderland", it just happened to be packed together and out of the box. It seems to be out of print at the moment. The big pictures of Alice are all included in the collection, and the little prince is gone. In addition, there is "The Wizard of Oz" which is not represented by Taiwan.

● Not the pictures in the little prince's picture book↓

● The Wizard of Oz↓

● Alice in Wonderland↓

The fairy tale works of this style of painting are really healing, and the creations other than the theme of fairy tales are also full of imaginative small objects and cute characters. After flipping through it, I felt excited~

● Blush Zebra>///< ↓

Wait, I found that all creatures have blush XD on their faces (only found out now)

● I especially like the scene where many birds gather in Alice in Wonderland↓

The amount of pictures is very rich, and each illustration is marked with the name of the work (including the original Korean text), year, and source.

About 30 pages at the end of the book are black-and-white line drafts, with traces of pencils.

Official Introduction

The world of illustrations that makes people fall in love at first sight, South Korea's popular illustrator Kim Min-zhi's first personally chosen album, authorized to publish for the first time in the world.
From free creation to commercial drawing, there are more than two hundred illustrations in the book, and one collection of favorite Kim Minji.

Lunavis is a combination of Luna (moon) and Navis (ship) in Greek.
The moon is the world of dreams and imagination; the ship is the medium that connects the world, and also represents the traveler.
Lunavis means "traveler flying in the sky".
The word "Lunavis" completely represents Kim Minji's fantasy painting world.

About the Author

Kim Minji

Korean illustrator. Majored in design, and used to do character design, modeling design, animation production or game illustration for online games, animation, and textbooks. Since 2003, he has drawn illustrations for many fairy tale books such as "Little Women", "The Prince and the Beggar", "Swan Lake", "The Wizard of Oz" and "The Little Prince".

After gaining fame, in addition to book design and illustrations, he also received many illustration cooperation projects. He once painted the mural of Walkerhill Hotel in South Korea. Since 2005, he has been drawing web panels for Cyworld, the largest social network website in South Korea every year. Since 2007, Kim Minji's illustrations have authorized the production of diary books, notebooks and other products.

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▌Second-Hand Book (may not be available)

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