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  • Title: Japan's strongest contemporary illustrations 2021: 150 luxurious contemporary artists' collection
  • Original Title: ILLUSTRATION 2021
  • Editor: Hiraizumi Yasuji
  • Cover painterLittle Thunder
  • Publisher: Flag
  • Publication Date: 2021-10-08
  • Language:Traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13: 9789863126805
  • Binding:Paperback / 324 pages / 19 x 26 x 2.5 cm / Normal grade / Full color printing / First edition
  • Price: 620 yuan (Books.com.tw 博客來)

● ア~ミ~(AAMY)↓

● あき(AKI)↓

● _an ↓



"Japan’s most powerful contemporary illustration XXXX" is a continuous series of 150 illustrators (there are enough) so that readers can get to know many great creators at once, and the collection is very powerful.

This is the latest one published by Taiwan in 2021.

Past unboxing:


● (from Taiwan) GAO Yan (GAO Yan)↓


Although illustrations are not absolutely good or bad, the more recent years, the more I like the works included in it! (Maybe preference will also change XD)

● Kawakami Yoshiro (KAWAKAMI Yoshiro)↓

● 急行 2 号(KYUKONIGO)↓

封面是由香港創作者「門小雷(Little Thunder)」繪製。

她的其他個人作品集可以參考這些開箱:《SISTERHOOD: Selected Works of Men Xiaolei", "Kylooe Trilogy 10th Anniversary Collection Collection", "SCENT OF HONG KONG》!

● Little Thunder (门小雷)↓

The typography looks very comfortable, most of them are works with a few small pictures on the left page and a full page on the right page. Every illustrator has no more than 2 pages, and the whole book is very smooth to enjoy.

The information bar contains the community account, email address, and drawing tools (or media) of each illustrator.

● おく(OKU)↓

● OK ↓

There are several special interviews at the end, including art gallery director "Tajima Yoshinobu", illustrator "Yoneyama Mai", illustrator "Little Thunder" × art director "Arima トモユキ".

Official Introduction

[Illustrator fans & animation fans must receive the works of the 150 most powerful contemporary artists every year – the latest edition in 2021! 】

Illustrations can reflect contemporary art trends. If you are a practitioner or volunteer in the illustration, comics, animation, and game industries, you can also learn about the fashion trends in the art world by observing illustrations. The "Japan Contemporary Strongest Illustrations" series selects 150 of the most forward-looking artists each year, allowing everyone to see more new creators and new ideas, as well as amazing illustrations.

What surprised Taiwan readers the most in this year's "Japan's Best Contemporary Illustration 2021" is that many Taiwanese artists have also been selected for this book. You will find that "Japan's most powerful contemporary illustration" is not limited to Japan. In the era of social media, anyone can enter the international stage through their original works. This book brings together brand-new styles, brand-new creators, and shows the possibility of cooperation between illustrations and various industries. Whether you are an illustration enthusiast, creator, or even a curator or commissioned illustration industry, you can use this book to quickly improve your horizons.

[Where will the future of the illustration industry go? In-depth interviews with well-known curators, animators and artists]

The in-depth interviews at the end of the book every year make readers look forward to it. Through the insightful analysis of experts, they can always get a better understanding of the trends in the illustration industry and the current situation in the industry. In this interview at the end of the book, we interviewed these three heavyweights, covering the three major aspects of art curation, animation, and illustration. Those who are interested should not miss it!

★ Interview with Yoshinobu Tajima, Director of Galerie LE MONDE, Tokyo's trendiest art gallery: Looking at contemporary illustration style from the perspective of art gallery director

Many creators dream of receiving cooperation commissions from all over the world. This book is a special interview for everyone in Tokyo’s "Illustration Department" gallery Galerie LE MONDE director Tajima Yoshinobu. He is a well-known curator and illustrator agent, and many foreign creations. All of them have opened up the Japanese market through LE MONDE's brokerage. This time, from the perspective of art galleries, he will share with you how art galleries and brokerage companies evaluate the artists they collaborate with. If you are a creator who is aspiring to develop internationally, this interview will be very useful!

★Interview with Maiyama Mai, animator of "GAINAX": Looking at contemporary illustration style from the perspective of an illustrator

The application of illustration is not limited to planes. Many illustrators will also be exposed to different industries such as animation or games. This time I interviewed Maiyama Mai teacher. She worked for the animation production company "GAINAX" for 5 years (animation fans should have heard of this powerful company that created "Evangelion"). She will deeply share the joys and pains of animators Talk, including how to enter the animation industry? How to improve technology in animation work? Why do you want to become an illustrator? How does the animator's experience help the illustration? Friends who like Japanese animation should have many fans of Maiyama Mai teacher, don’t miss this interview!

★ Illustrator Little Thunder (門小雷) × Art Director Arima Tomo Yuki Interview: Cover Design Process of "Japan's Most Powerful Contemporary Illustrator 2021"

The cover illustration for 2021 was specially drawn by the internationally renowned Hong Kong illustrator, Little Thunder, who combined her character illustration style and interest in dance to create the role of the dancer on the cover. Through the interview, she will share the behind-the-scenes story of the cover illustration with the decoration designer Arima Tomoyu, so that readers can get a glimpse of the birth process of the cover illustration.


  • 006 – 305 Illustrator works
  • 306 – Spacial Interview Part 1: Galerie LE MONDE Interview with Yoshinobu Tajima
    • Look at contemporary illustration style from the perspective of art gallery director
  • 310 – Spacial Interview Part 2: Interview with illustrator Maiyama Mai
    • Look at the contemporary illustration style from the perspective of an illustrator
  • 314 – Spacial Interview Part 3: Illustrator Men Xiaolei × Art Director Arima Tomo Yuki Interview
    • The cover design process of "Japan's most powerful contemporary illustration 2021"

● Koteri (KOTERI)↓

● COTOH Tsumi (COTOH Tsumi)↓

● こみひかるこ(KOMI Hikaruko)↓

● こむぎこ2000 (KOMUGIKONISEN)↓

List of included illustrators

ア〜ミ〜 / aoitatan / 赤倉 / あき / Aki Ishibashi / akira muracco / Atha / _an / アンドウワカ / 杏奈〒 / いぬ山 / umao / uyumint / unpis / N1 / おいしいさめ / 大河 紀 / OK / おく / オザキエミ / Oz / お久しぶり / ohuton / お村ヴィレッジ / 高妍 / 風邪早僕 / 堅貝 / カトウトモカ / 佳奈 / Kamin / かやはら / 川上喜朗 / 革蝉 / 木澄 玲生 / キタ / 北村英理 / 北村美紀 / 急行2号 / killdisco / 禺吾朗 / Kuura Kuu / クノオ / くまぞう / Gurin. / コテリ / 古塔つみ / こみひかるこ / こむぎこ2000 / SAITEMISS (低級失誤) / sakiyamama / さくしゃ2 / 皐月 恵 / 始発ちゃん / jyari / 将 / ジワタネホ / 須藤はる奈 / すぴか / そまぁ〜ず / 染平かつ / soyatu / ダイスケリチャード / 竹浪音羽 / たけもとあかる / 巽 / tamimoon / tarou2 / 千海博美 / ちゅーたな / CHOU YI (周依) / ちょん* / 九十九 円 / 出口えり / 出口瀬々 / てふてふ / でん / とあるお茶 / 12stairs / docco / ともわか / とゆとゆ / NAKAKI PANTZ / 中島花野 / 中村美遥 / 中村ユミ / 凪 / najuco / 名司生 / NARUE / ぬくぬくにぎりめし / Ney / ねじれ / のもとしゅうへい / ぱいせん / 8月96日 / ばったん / Hana Chatani / はなぶし / banishment / 原 倫子 / はらだ有彩 / ハルイチ / 東みずたまり / ひがしの / ヒグチキョウカ / ヒトこもる / 平泉春奈 / POOL / 深川 優 / フジモトゴールド / 冬暁 / 冬寄かいり / 星海ゆずこ / 穂竹 藤丸 / 穂の湯 / HOHOEMI / まくらくらま / まち / matumot / まのでまりな / mame / 水沢石鹸 / みずの紘 / mitani / 南あやか / 美好よしみ / ミリグラム / みりん / モブノーマル / 森優 / MON / 八館ななこ / ヤマダナオ / ヤマダユウ / 山田遼志 / UZNo / 米山 舞 / リチャード君 / Little Thunder (門小雷) / りなりな / りんく / るいせんと / れおえん / LOWRISE / 六角堂 DADA / ronoh / ROMI / ろるあ / わす / んも

● 來自台灣的 SAITEMISS(低級失誤)↓

● Exit えり(DEGUCHI Eri)↓

● フジモトゴールド(FUJIMOTO Gold)↓


● 八館ななこ (YASHIRO Nanaco) ↓

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