- Title:Garden Jungle
- Author:Hélène Druvert
- Publisher:Thames & Hudson Ltd
- Publication Date:2020-03-05
- Language:English
- ISBN13:9780500652244
- Binding:Hardcover / 40 pages / 21 x 28 cm / Normal grade / Full color printing / First edition
- Price:£16.95 (Books.com.tw 博客來 736 yuan)
● YouTube videos:https://youtu.be/o-k6gevFnzI
Official Introduction
Hélène Druvert, a well-known French paper sculptor, won the 2015 French Book Award (La Nuit du Livre), and is as famous as the pop-up master Robert Sabuda. The 2019 new work "Garden Jungle" will lead you into an imaginative garden adventure.
"It's so boring..." The little boy Tom thought so, so he decided to follow his mother's advice and observe whether there were any novelties in the garden. Suddenly, a butterfly flew in front of him, and he decided! He wants to be an explorer and follow this butterfly! But accidentally discovered an unknown area in the back garden.
The grass suddenly rises up like a dense jungle, and the kittens here seem to transform into fierce cheetahs. French paper sculptor Hélène Druvert once again used her delicate beauty to reproduce the fantasy back garden in Tom's expedition. The colorful paper-cuts are stacked one by one, and the jungle world is dreamlike, and there are many cute animals hiding in it, and even turning over it, it seems that you can hear the rustle of the wind blowing over the leaves. Such an exquisite paper sculpture book, I believe that both adults and children will love it!
About the Author
Hélène Druvert
A well-known French illustrator, paper-carving artist and screen printer, he became a freelance creator after graduating from the Paris Du Perui College of Applied Fine Arts.
The use of light and shadow, poetry, and childhood are all sources of inspiration for Druvert. She skillfully uses the art of paper sculpture in poetry installation art, books, landscape paper-cutting, image weaving and even surfboards. Druvert likes poetry, childhood world and traveling around. He loves to build a galaxy-like bridge between different universes and bring endless fun for adults and children.
She once co-authored a paper sculpture book on the human body with her doctor's fatherAnatomy: A Cutaway Look Inside the Human Body", and created "Paris Up, Up and Away", "Mary Poppins Up, Up and Away"Petit Théâtre de Casse-Noisette", "Histoires de reines", "Peau d'âne" and "The Phantom of the Opera" and other paper sculpture children's books. In 2015, "Paris s'envole" won the French La Nuit du Livre Book Night Book Youth Literature Award.
Follow Tom to the edge of his garden, where the grass turns into a lush jungle and a walk turns into an expedition! Tom, a little boy who's bored, follows a butterfly deeper than he's ever been in his backyard and discovers uncharted territory.
Here, the grass becomes a jungle, the cat turns into a leopard, and the only sounds come from leaves blowing in the wind. But all too soon, it's time to go back. Tom realizes his house is just behind those shrubs...
It's so good to be bored! This beautiful, colorful storybook is illustrated with laser-cut silhouettes that make the garden come alive. An exciting backyard adventure, Garden Jungle will appeal to children of all ages.
The cover is partially polished, and 7 of the 40 inner pages are continuous paper sculptures. When I got the book this time, I found that there was white paper before the paper sculptures. It should be because I was worried about the mutual influence between the pages. The bottom color of each page of the paper sculpture is different, and there are various plants, animals (presented in bright orange), and the black silhouette of the protagonist boy.
This is the second Hélène Druvert book I have received. The previous one was in 2015.Paris Up, Up and Away". Last year, by chance, I introduced various pop-up books and paper art books in a certain class. So I happened to find her work and became very interested. I really like the design of the jungle in the book and the effect it presents.
"Paris Up, Up and Away" and "Garden Jungle" are both hollowed out paper art designs, but the former is a black and white paper engraving sandwiched between solid pages, which will produce changes in light and shadow; while this one is continuous The paper art hollow design creates a sense of layering of the jungle, and the charm of the two is different!
Unboxing link:【Unboxing.Paper Art】Hélène Druvert|Paris Up, Up and Away
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