- Title:Paris Up, Up and Away
- Author:Hélène Druvert
- Publisher:Thames & Hudson Ltd
- Publication Date:2015/10/01
- Language:English
- ISBN13:9780500650592
- Binding:Hardcover / 34 pages / 29 x 26 x 1 cm / regular grade / full color printing / first edition
- Price:£14.95 (Books.com.tw 博客來 736 yuan)
Official Introduction
● YouTube videos:https://youtu.be/uBJ0kj03Mi8
★ La Nuit du Livre winner of the French Book Award 2015
★ Hélène Druvert, a well-known French paper sculptor who is as famous as the pop-up book master Robert Sabuda, presents the Paris landscape and beautiful moments with poetic and delicate techniques
★ The best commemoration of the 125th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower decided to "fly" to visit the flower capital of Paris because of boredom! It passed the Seine, came to the Opera, and quietly followed people to the department stores. When night fell, the Eiffel Tower fell asleep in the park, and the bells of Notre Dame woke it up again to enjoy the beautiful night view of Paris.
The author of this book is Hélène Druvert. As an artistic creator, she describes the one-day tour of the Eiffel Tower in Paris in a concise and poetic style, and introduces famous scenic spots in Huadu. Each page is matched with the author's exquisite paper sculptures, bringing readers a new vision. and tactile sensations.
About the Author
Hélène Druvert
A well-known French illustrator, paper-carving artist and screen printer, he became a freelance creator after graduating from the Paris Du Perui College of Applied Fine Arts.
The use of light and shadow, poetry, and childhood are all sources of inspiration for Druvert. She skillfully uses the art of paper sculpture in poetry installation art, books, landscape paper-cutting, image weaving and even surfboards. Druvert likes poetry, childhood world and traveling around. He loves to build a galaxy-like bridge between different universes and bring endless fun for adults and children.
She once co-authored a paper sculpture book on the human body with her doctor's fatherAnatomy: A Cutaway Look Inside the Human Body", and created "Paris Up, Up and Away", "Mary Poppins Up, Up and Away, "Petit Théâtre de Casse-Noisette", "Histoires de reines", "Peau d'âne" and "The Phantom of the Opera" and other paper-carved children's books, in 2015 "Paris s'envole" won the French La Nuit du Livre Book Night Book Award for Young Adult Literature.
The Eiffel Tower is bored today
Wouldn't it be nice to fly away?
Paris is full of things to do –
The Tower would like to see them too
The Tower takes off for the day
To watch the city work and play . . .
The Eiffel Tower is bored … so it decides to cut loose and fly over Paris Sailing through the night air, it glides over the Seine; a short hop away, it finds the Op ra. It weaves through crowds on the streets and in the department stores, falls asleep in the sun, and wakes up to the jangling bells of Notre Dame. This beautifully crafted book, brought to intricate, magical life by He le ne Druvert”s ornate lasercuts, is a wonderfully imaginative introduction to Paris and its monuments for young children.
The cover is made of a very sturdy paper plate, which should be able to better protect the fragile paper carving pages of the inner pages. The cover has a hollow design to see the Eiffel Tower inside. 8 of the 34 pages on the inner pages are paper sculptures. The color scheme of the whole book is only composed of black, white, light blue and purple, which looks very harmonious.
A paper art book that I bought a long time ago, it seems to be the first work I received that is a paper art/pop-up book (I still remember when I gave myself a birthday present.). At that time, I was very new to the hollow page design, and the pages were also full of romantic imaginations for Paris, France. Surprises can be seen everywhere in the exquisite inner pages~
There is also another copy of Hélène Druvert's work "Garden Jungle". "Paris Up, Up and Away" and "Garden Jungle" are both hollow paper art designs, but this one is a black and white paper art sculpture sandwiched between the real pages, which will produce changes in light and shadow; while the latter is a The continuous hollow design of paper art creates a layered sense of jungle, and the two have different charms!
Unboxing link:【Unboxing.Paper Art】Hélène Druvert|Garden Jungle
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