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  • Title:Hatsune Miku Graphics Character Collection CV03 Megurine Ruka Edition
  • Original Title:Hatsune Miku Graphics Character Collection CV03 Toune Luka Edition
  • English Title:Hatsune Miku Graphics: Character Collection CV03 – Megurine Luka Edition
  • Editor:COMPTIQ
  • Publisher:Kadokawa, Taiwan
  • Publication Date:2013-01-31
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13:9789863251583
  • Binding:平裝 / 96 頁 / 18.2 x 25.6 x 0.48 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • Price:320 yuan (Books.com.tw 博客來)



The Hatsune Miku Graphics Character Collection series has produced a total of three books (CV01-03), namely Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Ring/Ren, and Megurine Ryuge. They are a collection of themes that include the works of painters. The main colors are used as a whole. The layout and printing design looks very comfortable.

Unpacking and unpacking:

This collection contains 35 Japanese painters' Megurine Ryuge works, each of which has different styles and characteristics. You can see Kagane Rin/Ren (Mourane Luka) with different appearances at once. Although the prosperous age of the V family has passed, it is still part of everyone’s memory~

Unpacking related art collections:

Each painter's work is 4 pages long, and some are only 1 page. It is a pity that many illustrations can't be large, and the collection itself is only about B5 in size. The quality of the printed paper is quite heavy, and it’s a bit difficult to spread out when shooting out of the box🤣

Official Introduction

Include many VOCALOID creators
The third part of the newly drawn illustration collection!
Thousands of style Liuge looks like, here is dedicated to you.

Book features

★ Super popular virtual bilingual singer. Collection of paintings of megurine Liuge!
★ Assemble 35 popular painters and include more than 150 illustrations.
★ Full-color printing, large volume 96 pages.

About the Editor


"Comptiq" (Japanese: コンプティーク) is a comic game magazine published by Kadokawa Bookstore in Japan. It was launched in 1983.

Participating Painter

なぎみそ / March 8th / Arisaka あこ / マニャ子 / Sakuragi けい / hatsuko / sand house / rain color / AO / dependence...

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