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  • Title:Huayi Dance Painting Collection: TRANSLUCENT
  • Original Title:Huayi Art Collection TRANSLUCENT
  • Author:花邑まい(花邑舞 / Hanamura Mai)
  • Publisher:Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House
  • Publication Date:2014-04-01
  • Language:Simplified Chinese
  • ISBN13:9787535667670
  • Binding:平裝 / 127 頁 / 23.5 x 16.8 cm / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • Price:RMB¥48.00



"A beautiful collection of translucent radiance--"

Only I think this sentence on the waist of the book is funny XD (No embarrassment)

A collection of simplified Chinese paintings purchased over 200 pieces that year. But I can’t compare it with the Japanese version~

About one-half of the content is an illustration of the female-oriented game "AMNESIA (アムネシア)", followed by another game "The Kingdom of the Desert (デザート・キングダム)", and other original works of Hana Yui.

I think I didn’t have to memorize the English word "Amnesia (amnesia)" when I was studying, all thanks to this work (X).

對於「AMNESIA 失憶症」其實已經忘得差不多了,只有看過動畫沒玩過遊戲,看動畫時被狂吐槽的彈幕弄得快笑死 😂 官方還有出另一本《The World of Amnesia: The Official Collection"(Simplified version), but there is no special collection, you can refer to others if you are interestedUnboxing.

Taking four suits of playing cards + Joker for character setting is a bright spot, and each character has its own characteristics.

In terms of female-oriented games, the style of painting is the kind that can be seen very comfortable!

I always feel that the picture is full of various special effects, flying playing cards, petals, and all kinds of light hitting the body XD

● Like XD if you have Bass ↓

● I really like the style of this one~~ ↓

There are also pictures of many official propaganda and surrounding bonuses.

The source and the author’s explanatory text are marked next to the picture.

The interview chapters are as many as 11 pages, interspersed with the early works of Huayi まい. The official introduction mentions that it is a 10-hour (!) interview, but I don’t think it comes out well after reading the text. XD

● Suddenly, Okita XD, which I like very much, popped up ↓

Official Introduction

The journey of a beautiful boy in the heart of thousands of crazy girls has begun from the moment the book is opened!

Welcome to this translucent world-the packaging box map, outer packaging, cover and other illustrations of the popular works "AMNESIA", "AMNESIA LATER" and "Desert Kingdow" are completely published. Preciously publishes the works before participating in the female to the game illustration, as well as the first release of the illustration works from the student days.

In particular, a 10-hour interview with the author was added to discuss in detail the trajectory of the mind from before the debut to the present. All illustrations in this book are explained by Huayiwu sincerely.


  • 004-Chapter One Labyrinth
    • "AMNESIA Amnesia"
  • 068-Chapter Two Paradise
    • "Desert Kingdom"
    • "Desert Kingdom Pocket Edition"
    • "Otomate Producer Blog" etc.
  • 094 – Chapter III Dawn
    • other works
    • Early design
    • Original works
  • 114 – Interview with Huayi Dance
    • The goal is-a translucent world

About the Author

花邑まい(花邑舞 / Hanamura Mai)

Born in Hokkaido on May 10th. Japanese illustrator, affiliated with Design Factory. Served as the character and original painting of Otomate's "Desert Kingdom" series and "AMNESIA" series.

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