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  • Title:Hosakura Oni Official Story
  • Chinese Title:Hakuoki Official Monogatari Picture Scroll Sakura Wind dust
  • English Title:Hakuouki official story Emaki Cherry Blossom Blowing Sand
  • Editor:電擊 Girl’s Style 編集部
  • Original painting:カズキヨネ (Kazuki Yone)
  • Publisher:アスキー・メディアワークス(ASCII MEDIA WORKS)
  • Publication Date:2010-03-26
  • Language:Japanese
  • ISBN10:4048684914
  • ISBN13:9784048684910
  • Binding:Hardcover/ 128 pages/ Normal grade/ Full color printing
  • Price:JPY¥2,800 (reading used books)



Originally, I only planned to collect Hakuouki's original painting series, but I accepted the second-hand book when I saw it at the shrimp auction 🤣 I really like the overall design of this book~

Hakuouki is really a big hole. There are enough publications that are jaw-dropping. You can refer to the historical trajectory of the picture album:This.

There are several picture books & setting books out of the box:

personalPreference ranking: "Capriccio" (picture praise, kimono, special chapter) ≒ "Formula Monogatari Scroll Sakura Wind Dust" (hardcover, special style illustrations)> "Dawn Record" (mainly pull page, Ryunosuke) ≒ "Shinsengzu Qi Tan 》(Military uniform)>《Remembrance of the Formula Setting Book》 (detailed settings, repeated pictures)

"Hakuoki Official Monogatari Picture Scroll Sakura Wind dust" isHardcover,returnWith book box. The appearance of the book box itself is very attractive, the cover and the side title of the book are both gilded, and the faint line draft + color block design of the cover image is also very beautiful.

IllustratedThe hardcover shell is a textured non-glossy material, which feels very textured to the touch. The cover image is Mutsu Suizan and Kazama Chikée (the main body of the book box illustration), and the title of the book is so small that it will not block the illustration.The butterfly page is cherry pink that fits the theme very well 😍 The inside page illustrations are full of flying cherry blossom petals🌸

The content is divided into "絵卷の部" and "语リの部". Half of the pages of the gallery are made up ofA double-page illustration with about 3 pages of novel, one or two small line drafts, and original CG imagesThere are 11 such illustrations in total.The illustration style is very different from the previous original paintings and CG drawings. There is a feeling of color violation (?), but the color matching design is very beautiful!

Most of the "Gallery" chapters in the middle are illustrations that have appeared in the original art collection. The only difference is only the 4 pages of the Q layout.

The latter part is the introduction of the main characters of Hakuouki (4 pages per person). The special feature isEach character has a small personal chronology attached.The illustrations are all CG images that appear in the original paintings. At the end of the book are 4 pages of words (texts) from the authors, painters, and producers.

For more links to Hakuouki's games and novels, please refer to the first picture book Unboxing:

Official Introduction

People 気ゲーム "thin sakura ghost". 『電撃ガールズスタイル』で连载された小说とイラストを頂頁したluxury ファンブックです.


  • 絵卷の部
    • 004-Earthwork x Wind Room
    • 010-Saito x Sky Haze
    • 016-Harada x Shiranui
    • 022-Okita x Kaoru
    • 028-Earthwork
    • 034-Okita
    • 040-Saito
    • 046 – Fujitang
    • 052-Harada
    • 058-Yongcang
    • 064-The Wind Room
    • 070-ドラマCD
    • 076-Gallery
  • Li nobu
    • 090-Prologue
    • 091~119-Tsukizo, Okita Soji, Saitoichi, Fujido Hirasuke, Harada Sanosuke, Kazama Senkei, Nagura Shinpachi, Kondo Isa, Yamanan Keisuke, Yamazaki Tsuki
    • 120-Final Chapter
    • 122-Making a leaf

About the Author

カズキヨネ (Kazuki Yone)

Famous Japanese game illustrator, CG artist, game original artist.

Served as the original artist of the famous Otome game "Hakuoki" and "The Scarlet Owl", the original artist of "Prank of the Gods", and the illustrator of "Huagui".

The style of painting is mainly Japanese, but the Western style is also very beautiful. The composition of the characters is very skillful and the proportions are perfect. The characteristics of the painting style are gorgeous and not messy, and the colors are bright and not flashy.

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