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  • Title: Grandpa Santa
  • Author: Jenny Lin
  • Publisher: Booker Culture
  • Publication Date: 2019-12
  • Language: English
  • ISBN13: 9789865405380
  • Binding: Hardcover / 44 pages / 27.5 x 21 x 1 cm / normal grade / full color printing
  • Price: 650 yuan (KingStone 金石堂 514 yuan)
  • Gift: Postcard set (6 pieces)
  • Title: Grandpa Santa Chinese Version Setting Collection
  • Author: Jenny Lin
  • Publisher: Booker Culture
  • Publication Date: 2019-12
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13: 9789865405373
  • Binding: Paperback / 72 pages / 28.5 x 20.5 x 1.3 cm / normal grade / full color printing
  • Price:500 yuan(KingStone 金石堂 395 yuan)



Pick it up on Christmas Eve to share this book~🎄

The English picture book "Grandpa Santa" and its Chinese version set collection collected at the fundraising price on the FLiPER platform last year! Received 6 additional postcards of the White Rabbit Four Seasons Garden unlocked by fundraising.

YouTube Fundraising Introductory Video:https://youtu.be/T8rQSN4VRpE

FLiPER fundraising page (closed):https://publish.flipermag.com/projects/grandpa-santa/

A straight hardcover picture book that is not thick, I really like the bronzing design of the cover.

The Chinese version of the set is a horizontal film, with a lot more pages than the picture book.

It was originally a picture book that was attracted by the plot setting and illustration style~

As the granddaughter of Santa Claus, the protagonist Amia is sitting on piles of toys, but she is not happy, because her grandfather is a workaholic (X) and does not accompany her, and then it will see what kind of action she will start.

The story also features a talking teddy bear, Toby, Amia's best friend.

I especially like the picture of Amia walking on the ice. It is mentioned in the setting set that it depicts the real scene of the frozen bubbles on Lake Baikal in winter. The scene is very beautiful~

The setting collection contains the details of the creative process and unused illustrations, and the content is very rich~

By comparing the picture book, you can see a more three-dimensional story.

I especially like the mobile game "Amia Rush" created by the author in the set, and I also designed the App UI interface and small objects in the game for this, very cute><

There are actually three pieces of music (including stave) composed by the author's friend for this story!

Official Introduction

▌Picture books

Amia who hates Christmas, like we were ignored

Amia is the granddaughter of Santa Claus. Whenever Christmas comes, grandpa is always busy giving gifts to other children and ignores himself, so the holiday she hates most is Christmas, so she starts to destroy grandpa's Christmas gifts. But Amia finds herself not happier because of it, and finally realizes that she doesn't really hate Christmas, she just wants to be cared for by her grandpa.

When we feel neglected in our lives, we often express to each other in the wrong way. If we can convey true love with a considerate heart, we may find that we have no less feelings for each other, but we can’t express it.

"Grandpa Santa" reminds people to always maintain the ability to find love, feel love, and love someone. It may be old-fashioned, but it is the most important thing everyone in the world needs to learn. No matter whether you have ever felt the feeling of being ignored, or whether you have let go, through this work, you can warm and heal every wounded heart.

Let Christmas brighten your heart and welcome to a fantasy world full of love and adventure

Jenny, who has loved drawing since childhood, can pass most of the day by giving her a pen and a piece of paper, but it was when she was 24 years old that she really entered the Keban Institute and began to learn drawing skills and design.

The most gratifying thing is to be able to take everyone to this fantasy world by telling a story! In this story, magic is as natural as breathing, so the talking teddy bear, the old and bad evil owl, and Santa delivering presents in his sleigh on Christmas Eve, and Santa's granddaughter Amia All really exist.

In order to make everyone more immersed in the Christmas atmosphere when reading, Jenny completed the picture book storybook by mixing traditional media, with watercolor, mineral oil, acrylic, colored pencils and other media superimposed, so that the picture is colorful and interesting. Layering. This is also the first time Jenny has drawn a complete picture book storybook, hoping to bring everyone into the heartwarming Nordic world of Santa Claus and Amia through the exquisite style of painting, soft brushwork, and the story itself!


The process of creating a picture book is not just about coming up with a story, drawing pictures, and matching words. In fact, there is another important thing, which is to create a "setting collection".

Jenny Lin, the creator of "Grandpa Santa", specially tailored a set for this picture book, in which you can see the behind-the-scenes production of a story from scratch, some unprepared plans, and the cleverness behind it. thought, and a complete explanation.

author's words

"Grandpa Santa Chinese Version Set" is also published! This set records almost all the creative process of the picture book "Grandpa Santa". I studied at the Visual Development Institute of the Academy of Art University in San Francisco for 3 years, Gradually cultivate and find your own style and creative style.

The content of the setting set gathers the conception of the story of "Grandpa Santa", to the presentation of the painting, and analyzes the production process behind it bit by bit. Although the story of "Grandpa Santa" is simple and straightforward, the core of the exploration is the situation that everyone may encounter in our daily life, which is worth facing and thinking about. I think, it should be this idea that supports the whole story, painting, setting process.

This set is also full of creative efforts and the footprints of my ideas. I hope that when you read, in addition to the professional part of the set, you can also see more creative energy and bits and pieces that you don't know.


  • 06 – Preamble
  • 08 – Story Structure
  • 10 - Scene Settings
  • 24 – Character setting
  • 42 – Drawing Process
  • 60 – sheet music
  • 66 – Acknowledgments

About the Author

Jenny Lin

When I was in college, I studied English. I gradually gained more taste in literature and learned to collide and combine words, culture, consciousness and images in my mind. Although I have been painting on and off, I have been studying painting formally and learning professional skills. It is my third year in the United States, and I have gradually cultivated and found my own style and creative method that I am good at.

I like to use painting to express the tranquility of daily life, full of all possible imaginary worlds, and love for flowers, plants, natural animals. In addition to Photoshop computer drawing, I prefer to use traditional media, including watercolor, acrylic, colored pencils, etc. In addition to painting, he also likes embroidery, sewing, and various handicrafts. He often fantasizes about living in the countryside 200 years ago.


  • 2019 AAU Spring Show First Prize in Children's Book Illustration Group
  • 5th place in the 2019 Clip Studio Art International Illustration Competition
  • 2019 AAU Spring Show Editorial Illustration Finalist
  • 2019 AAU Spring Show Animated 2D Original Painting Finalist
  • 2018 AAU Spring Show Character Design Finalist
  • 2018 AAU Spring Show Animated 2D Original Painting Finalist

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▌New book (picture book)

▌New book (setting set)

▌Second-Hand Books

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