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  • Title:The strongest queen: Oh, my Goddess!
  • Author:Chiyou
  • Publisher:大辣
  • Publication Date:2016-02-03
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13:9789866634581
  • Binding:平裝 / 84 頁 / 21 x 29.7 x 0.42 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • Price:800 yuan(Books.com.tw 博客來)

Official Introduction

The Mazu we are familiar with is a figure surrounded by incense, with a downcast and kindly maternal role. This is the image we project when she rises from a human to a god.

But does Mazu have any other appearances? When she was young, would she sweep her brows and just a little bit of rouge... During her adolescence, did she have a pretty appearance, or even a figure that looked at her... Would she also call a group of friends, and Friends meet to rush to the market, and every youth will try to dress up, showing a charming and even sexy look...

Illustrator Chi You, after painting "Uniform First", looks back and pays attention to the gods in this land.

Chi You's painting style is gorgeous and meticulous, and his creation is good at combining women's various poses. He said that the most beautiful lines in the world are on women, whether it is the shapes of fingers, hair, eyes... This time the work "The Strongest Queen" re-presents Mazu from the gods back to the youthful youth, the female fairy, and the beauty of the beautiful age. The appearance and appearance, just like Guanyin Bodhisattva's appearance of beauty to save the world, attract more young readers' attention.

Every year on March 23rd of the lunar calendar, Taiwan’s Mazu’s birth day, which is her birthday, should also start preparing a series of birthday celebrations in Mazu temples around the world, "Mazu Detour", which has become one of the world’s three major religious events. Extraordinary, the performances from the early stage of the Republic of China were simple gongs and lion dances to encourage the lion and dragon dances to modern civilization. In order to enrich the meaning of temple fairs and be more like carnivals, god puppet groups, band performances, and electronic floats parade, let the whole enter the incense. The activity increased the lively atmosphere.

Chi You's painting depicts the trendy and classically beautiful Mazu image. Field observations of Taiwan's Mazu welcoming temple fairs and important elements of Mazu belief are all cleverly presented in the paintings. In addition, the trendy clairvoyant generals and Shunfenger generals, the earth prince, as well as familiar folk gods such as the Dragon King of the Four Seas, the Empress Zhusheng, the Marshal of Zhongtan, and the Eight Immortals, all appeared on the paper one by one. The most commendable thing is that in addition to the traditional auspicious patterns, many native Taiwanese animals and plants have also become the visual focus of Mazu's clothing, which is breathtaking!


  • East China Sea Dragon King Tang Hái lîng ông 008
  • Pò bé á, Khui lōo kóo 010
  • Honor Guard, Deacon Gî tiōng, Tsip sū 012
  • Prodigy, Maitreya Tông á, Maitreya 014
  • Pô tsiá tīn 016
  • Se Hái lîng ông 018
  • Tsu senn niu niu 020
  • Tiger Lord Hóo iâ 022
  • Thoo ti kong 024
  • Tshian li gan 028
  • Sun hong ni 032
  • Our Lady of Heaven Mazu 036
  • Kirin 048
  • Nuo zha 050
  • Dragon, Phoenix and Lion Liông-hōng sai tīn 052
  • Hwa Ga Chen 054
  • Sòng kang tīn 056
  • Yi Ge Yì gé 058
  • South China Sea Dragon King Lâm Hái lîng ông 060
  • Pat sian 062
  • Beihai Dragon King Pak Hái lîng ông 064
  • Postscript 072

● Land Gong↓

● Clairvoyance, downwind ears↓

About the Author


Taiwan's top painters are famous for their meticulous and unique brushstrokes and beautiful and diverse painting styles. The girls in the brushes are feminine and heroic, and they are all lifelike.

Since 2010, he has regularly published illustrations on "CCC Creation Collection". In 2013, he was invited to participate in the French Angoulên Comics Festival with his personal collection "We Stay, We Live". Published the first commercial illustration album "Uniform is supreme-Taiwan female high school students uniform selection", Japanese and Korean versions have been authorized. Published in 2015The strongest queen: Oh, my Goddess!". Published in 2019 the Armed Bunny Girl Album "Bunny Bunny Bang!", "Huwei Painting Post: Anthropomorphism of Danshui Historic Site".



How can Chi You produce so many works in such a intensive time! "Uniform Supreme 3"Was also published in the same year, and the scale of these two books is not small.

Speaking of this work, its purchase was actually an accident (X). I went to the 2016 Taipei International Book Fair when I was visiting the booth of Dakuai Culture, and I happened to encounter the book signing of "The Strongest Queen: Oh, my Goddess!" in five minutes. After start (Totally ignorant of this event), I bought it on the spot to sign (The cover film of the book is still being opened when it is almost signed).

The title of the cover and back cover of the collection has partial glaze and hot silver. The main color of the whole book is a relatively dark gold, but it is easy to leave handprints on the paper. The inside is very special with a big red color, which escapes the outer cover 🤣 There are a total of four pull-page designs in the book.

In addition to introducing the gods themselves, the content is also very particular about the small details of the accessories, as well as (painting) the long line of Mazu going around the border, the eight immortals crossing the sea, and so on. Create a very different side of the gods~

Chi YouzaiMindfulness"I tried a similar theme (Gods of the Underworld), fromThisIn his interview, it can also be seen that the pressure to paint Mazu and the gods of "The Mother of Heaven" is naturally multiplied. Some people may think that it is disrespectful to allow the gods to appear in this form, but how do you know that perhaps the gods would like to allow the traditional temple culture to be extended to circles other than believers.

Chi You has worked with CCC Creation Collection for a long time in the past. Perhaps because of this, many of his works will not be separated from Taiwanese cultural symbols. It allows people to understand Taiwan’s culture, history, etc. while admiring the great illustrations. It can be seen that they spend a lot of time doing field research behind the scenes. I can feel the author’s intentions and I am very grateful to him for his efforts in Taiwan. .


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