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  • Title:Uniform is supreme: Taiwan female high school students uniform selection
  • English Title: Collection of Taiwan High School Girl Uniforms
  • Author:Chiyou
  • Publisher:Gaea Books
  • Publication Date:2014-01-22
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13:9789863190813
  • Binding:平裝 / 120 頁 / 19 x 26 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • Price:399 yuan (Books.com.tw 博客來)

Official Introduction

★ Contains more than 100 new color pictures from 51 high schools in Taiwan.
★ Angola, France, exhibiting painter ─ ─ Chi You lasted two years, personally visited and collected information from various schools. The meticulous and unique brushstrokes, the beautiful and diverse painting style, and the perfect details of the illustrated book level.
★ Special collection: A variety of classic uniforms during the Japanese occupation period, out of print, and uniforms of various schools, such as ritual team, tug-of-war, gymnastics and so on.
★ Taiwan’s first female high school uniform picture book, which is in full compliance with school regulations!

In order to be able to rigorously study the details, Chi You personally visited and collected all school uniforms and historical background materials for two years. He also drew a variety of Japanese colonial period, out-of-print classic uniforms, and various special clubs such as yi team, tug of war, gymnastics, softball, etc. Uniforms make the content more diverse and rich and have collection value.

Each girl’s posture, facial expressions, and movements are completely different. They may be cute and playful, energetic, mature and beautiful, stable and generous, which perfectly presents the youthful appearance of high school girls. It is a beautiful visual feast and a uniform for high school girls in Taiwan. Full review of the information.

About the Author


Taiwan's top painters are famous for their meticulous and unique brushstrokes and beautiful and diverse painting styles. The girls in the brushes are feminine and heroic, and they are all lifelike.

Since 2010, he has regularly published illustrations on "CCC Creation Collection". In 2013, he was invited to participate in the French Angoulên Comics Festival with his personal collection "We Stay, We Live". Published the first commercial illustration album "Uniform is supreme-Taiwan female high school students uniform selection", Japanese and Korean versions have been authorized. Published in 2015The strongest queen: Oh, my Goddess!". Published in 2019 the Armed Bunny Girl Album "Bunny Bunny Bang!", "Huwei Painting Post: Anthropomorphism of Danshui Historic Site".



There are 3 copies of Chi You's Uniform Supremacy series, this is the first episode, including Taiwan51 high school (girls) uniforms in the "North", So I am more familiar with it myself, and it resonates when I appreciate the pictures. The next two episodes are the school uniforms of "Southern" and "Central".

I really like the design of the title page and the copyright page (also in the next two episodes). The content of the book is in the form of a uniform map of Northern Taiwan, which can directly compare the school location.In addition to the name of the school, each picture carefully provides other information: School location, time of school establishment, old name (if any), it can also be said to be a high school picture book. The monogram shows the uniforms of the spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons, and whether there is a special customary dressing method (or school regulations). This book focuses on the uniform dressing method that "completely conforms to the school regulations". You must seriously inspect the school official! (Like the previous Zhongshan Girls’ High School, there are enough school uniform regulations, but as the times advance, it will only become more and more open.) My idea is that since we have all inspected,It should also be a male high school student version 🤣 (But Chi You should refuse decisively)

In addition, some schools still draw the previousUniforms during the Japanese Occupation,as well asSpecial club themeFor example, the tug-of-war team and the Yi team in Jingmeizhong, the band of Kitaichi Girls' High School (the uniforms of Kita Ichiru period are super beautiful), Gengxin's nursing practice clothes, and the women's softball team of Xiufeng High School. There are also two pull-up pages and large cross-page pictures that are interspersed from time to time. It's a pity that this book has a binding and printing design.Hard to flattenappreciate. (I feelSignificant improvement in the next two episodes! )

購入這本畫集的時候我還是高中生,當時府中 15 舉辦的「制服至上」制服展覽(以蚩尤的創作為主軸)剛好邀請我高中社團(熱音社)去展場表演,就帶了這本畫集去請蚩尤簽名啦~


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