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  • Title:We Stay, We Live Bay
  • Author:Chiyou
  • Publisher:Studio Amatiz
  • Publication Date:2013-01
  • Language:Traditional Chinese, English, Japanese
  • ISBN13:9789574188673
  • Age rating: Protection level
  • Binding:B4 / 26 x 37cm / 48 頁 + 3 張拉頁海報 / 全彩印刷
  • Price:400 yuan

Official Introduction

Familiar and unfamiliar
The people and things that get along with us day and night
Regardless of the past and the future
Let’s look at Chi You’s reinterpretation


    • Aboriginal people / post-war female students / hakama / betel nut Xi Shi / sacrificial kong / Baigong Shiren / Hakka blue shirt
    • Tin House / Governor's Mansion / Lin Benyuan Mansion
    • Taoyuan Shrine / Penghu Tianhou Temple / Wanjin Catholic Church / Taichung Taichan Temple
  • Ecological
    • Wushe Blood-spotted Longhorn Beef / Lanyu Horned Owl / Pangolin / Petrochemical Plant
  • Painter's Postscript

● Tin House ↓

● The Governor's Residence ↓

● Lin Benyuan Mansion↓

About the Author


Taiwan's top painters are famous for their meticulous and unique brushstrokes and beautiful and diverse painting styles. The girls in the brushes are feminine and heroic, and they are all lifelike.

Since 2010, he has regularly published illustrations on "CCC Creation Collection". In 2013, he was invited to participate in the French Angoulên Comics Festival with his personal collection "We Stay, We Live". Published the first commercial illustration album "Uniform First-Uniform Selection of Taiwan Female High School Students" in 2014. Japanese and Korean versions have been authorized. Published in 2015The strongest queen: Oh, my Goddess!". Published in 2019 the Armed Bunny Girl Album "Bunny Bunny Bang!", "Huwei Painting Post: Anthropomorphism of Danshui Historic Site".

● Chapter Pagination: Architecture, Religion↓

● Taoyuan Shrine ↓

I like those nails~ ↓ (Penghu Tianhou Temple)

● Wanjin Catholic Church↓

● Wushe blood-spotted longhorn beetle↓

● Pangolin ↓



Super~ I love the work "We Stay, We Live Bay"!


畫集的外觀本身就十分吸引人,尺寸是 B4 比一般畫集大上非常多(可以參考下方比例筆 (?) 圖。收納會比較不方便,But i'm willing🤣🤣). The cover design is superb. This picture is an anthropomorphic of Taiwan. If you look closely, you can see that the characteristics of each region are like the symbols of the outlying islands (tortoise, double heart, jigsaw).

The content inside is also closely related to Taiwan, including four chapters on humanities, architecture, religion, and ecology. In particular, each work has an introduction in Chinese, English, and Japanese. It is very attentive. I think it is very suitable to give to those who like picture albums or Foreign friends who like Taiwan! When drawing these diagrams, the author thinks that it is necessary to do a lot of research and use his imagination to integrate these elements well. Many of Chi You's later works can also make people understand Taiwan's culture, history, etc. while admiring the great illustrations. It can be seen that behind the scenes, it takes a lot of time to do fieldwork, and you can feel the author's intentions.

Going back to this collection of paintings, it is really great to be able to put the pictures so large. The included pictures are very delicate. I also like that Chi You's works can paint women very tender and lively, with a very charming charm. The super huge page is also very enjoyable to watch, andStocking authority的部分(紋路有夠生動)!

(btw 這本是在當年的同人展去蚩尤的攤位買的,那時候還不知道是作者本人在顧攤🤣)


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