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  • Title:Huwei Painting Post: Anthropomorphism of Danshui Historic Site
  • English Title:HOBE ARTS: The Anthropomorphism Records of Tamsui Heritage
  • Author:Chiyou/ New Taipei City Tamsui Heritage Museum
  • Publisher:Gaea Books
  • Publication Date:2021-01-06
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13:9789863195269
  • Binding:平裝 / 96 頁 / 19 x 26 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • Price:350 yuan (KingStone 金石堂)

Official Introduction

● Official video:https://www.facebook.com/tamsuihistoricalmuseum/videos/928072681279222

★ "Uniform First" popular painter Chi You-translation drawing
★ New Taipei City Tamsui Historic Site Museum—Planning Supervision

Gorgeous rebirth! The centuries-old monuments at the end of Shanghai reproduce splendidly.
Scroll type long pull page. The eight historical sites in Tamsui are exquisitely anthropomorphic,
1884 The Battle of Huwei serves as the axis, giving a glimpse of the time and space of the Danshui River bank.

The family history of Guanyin Mountain, Danshui River, and the brilliant era,
History and culture are built in this coastal area and transformed into a new classic and charming face.

Taking the Battle of Shanghai in 1884 as the main axis and the historical context as the foundation,
Give the historic site a new anthropomorphic image and plot,
Transformed into a mysterious and beautiful family story at the end of Shanghai...

This book contains cultural assets and buildings
-Tamsui Hongmao City
-Tamsui Fuyou Palace
-Tamsui Customs Wharf
—The official residence of the former Qing Tamsui Customs Taxation Department
—Dejere's International Co., Ltd.
-Huwei Medical Center
-Huwei Station
—The residence of the British consulate in Tamsui

Chi You’s field survey on the spot, the careful planning and supervision of the Tamsui Heritage Museum,
Refine the historical buildings, mountains and seas in the end of Shanghai for a century.


  • Tamsui Hammamet City – 22
  • British Consulate in Tamsui – 30
  • The Official Residence of the Taxation Department of the Former Qing Tamsui Customs (Small White House)-38
  • Dejilishi International Co., Ltd. – 44
  • Tamsui Customs Wharf – 50
  • Huwei Station – 56
  • Huwei Medical Center – 62
  • Tamsui Fuyou Palace – 68
  • Monograph-76
  • Draft Appendices-82
  • Postscript-90
  • Chronology of events-92

About the Author


Taiwan’s top painters are famous for their meticulous and unique brushstrokes and beautiful and diverse painting styles.
The girls in the pen are gentle and heroic, all of them are lifelike.

Since 2010, he has regularly published illustrations on "CCC Creation Collection". In 2013, he was invited to participate in the French Angoulên Comics Festival with his personal collection "We Stay, We Live". Published the first commercial illustration album "Uniform is supreme-Taiwan female high school students uniform selection", Japanese and Korean versions have been authorized. Published in 2015The strongest queen: Oh, my Goddess!". Published in 2019 the Armed Bunny Girl Album "Bunny Bunny Bang!", "Huwei Painting Post: Anthropomorphism of Danshui Historic Site".



This collection of paintings is a collection of eight anthropomorphic paintings of Danshui historic sites, and another work by Chi You before.We Stay, We Live Bay"I like his architectural anthropomorphic series very much! The New Taipei City Tamsui Historic Sites Museum has found the right person (X) 🤣 I myself live in a place quite close to Tamsui, and I am very cordial to appreciate this series of paintings. Many of Chi You’s works can make people understand Taiwan’s humanities, architecture, religion, history, etc. while admiring the great illustrations. It can be seen that behind the scenes, it takes a lot of time to do fieldwork, and you can feel the author’s intentions. .

The word HOBE ARTS on the cover of "Huwei Picture Post" has hot stamping (also on the side of the book). At the front of the book, there is an extra-long page that can be opened on both sides. One side is the historical chronology of these buildings (like being in a high school history class) 🤣, and the other side is an anthropomorphic illustration of the building. What's interesting is that each building in the book has its own character story, architectural detail illustration design concept, and architectural history text. Which day you might as well take this book to Danshui for sightseeing (X) to actually visit and control.

The anthropomorphic table calendar of the Disease Management Agency of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, which I started a while ago, also includes works by Chi You, as well as the recent "Artists in Taiwan: Taiwanese illustrations. Cartoonist Art Collection".

我自己收過的畫集囊括了商業與非商業誌,有開箱的羅列在這兒:《We Stay, We Live Bay", "Mindfulness", "Uniform is supreme", "Uniform is supreme 2", "Uniform Supreme 3", "The strongest queen: Oh, my Goddess!", "Bunny Bunny Bang!", "狩 SOUL》系列。

其實也見過蚩尤本人蠻多次的,高中的時候在同人場次去他的攤位買畫集(那時候不知道是作者本人在擺攤 XD),後來我的高中社團受邀去在府中 15 辦的「制服至上-青春校園插畫展(以蚩尤作品為主軸的展)」表演,又有碰到本人。還有一次是去台北國際書展,在逛大塊文化的攤位時剛好遇到《The strongest queen: Oh, my Goddess!"The book signing will start in five minutes (I didn’t know that there was such an event at the time), so I bought a new album on the spot to sign it~


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