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  • Title:Chiya Painting Collection: Color
  • English Title:Couleur
  • Author:Chiya
  • Publisher:Kadokawa, Taiwan
  • Publication Date:2012-02-01
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13:9789862875667
  • Binding:Paperback / 136 pages / 22.5 x 29.7 x 0.68 cm / Normal grade / Full color printing / First edition
  • Price:420 yuan (KingStone 金石堂 357 yuan)
  • Gift:3 into the small card set



This "Color" is considered to be a work I collected in the early days of my painting collection. At that time, there were few collections, so I often read it repeatedly. I have a sense of familiarity with the pictures collected in it🙂

Hong Kong illustrator Chiya’s works have been published in China and Taiwan. What’s interesting is that the appearance and content of the collection are all re-arranged, instead of directly moving over to represent them (like ah yeah’s "Vimo", "Jinse"Wait).

Basically simplified "Mint"Corresponds to Traditional "Color", Simplified "White butterfly"Corresponds to the traditional "Kizuna", but the status of the collection of works overlaps with each other. For example, "Color" also covers a lot of "Mint", "White butterfly"Pictures included.

Chiya other like "Magic wardrobe", "Fairy Tale" series and "Star Whisperer" series will be introduced separately later when unpacking!

and"Mint》Compare the two books together. The simplified version has a slightly lighter or brighter tone, which can only be seen when the "green" color is used (see the picture below).

● "Mint" on the left, "Color" on the right ↓

I don’t know if I think the green bronzing frame on the cover is quite redundant. Don’t block the illustration, it will be more open. XD

The content chapters echo the "color" of the title of the book, and are arranged in the image of various colors, such as "Dianthus Color", "Red Birch Color" and so on.

The cover picture is the beginning of the twin theme (TWINS), which is also my favorite series, although I still can’t tell the difference between the two (X)

I like the young girls (girls and boys) written by Chiya very much. The style is very fresh and lovely, and the details are very comfortable to see.

Another favorite is the fairy tale series. The depiction of the protagonists such as Little Red Riding Hood, Alice, and the cat in boots is really just right. Looking at the colorful colors, I can’t help but feel happy~

At the end of the book is an interview with the author Chiya and her explanation of each work!

Official Introduction

Whether it is a colorful fantasy fairy tale; a girlish feeling like a morning dew; a boy with a sweet and sour atmosphere meets a girl; or a complicated and dazzling, dynamic composition, each style in the painting is deeply contagious. Bring colorful colors and emotions into the readers' horizons. At the same time, it perfectly presents the bits and pieces of Chiya's painting process——

The personal painting collection "Color" is like a cloud riding on the cool wind, gently brushing his cheeks. Whispering in your ear, always imprinted in your memory. It is like freshly brewed black tea, soothing everyone's heart with a gentle temperature. At the same time, she presents her most sincere brushstrokes, which will bring you full touch!

A total of 104 complete works of Chiya from 2008 to present are included.


  • 003-Peaceful color
  • 019 – Dazzling color
  • 057-Huanqin's Red Birch Color Cheerful color
  • 107-Tenderly color
  • 146-Interview
  • 148 – Explanation of works

About the Author


Virgo was born in Hong Kong on September 8.

Like drawing girls, warm black tea and fat cats!

In 2009, he began to draw full-time illustrations for books and novels, and at the same time created picture books and comics. The picture book works "Water Color Paper Airplane", "Beauty and the Beast Variations" and "Cat in Boots" were nominated for the best picture book comics in the 6th ~ 8th Golden Dragon Awards respectively. Currently, he is an illustrator for the second Bronze Award at the Kadokawa Light Novel Awards in Taiwan, "Phoenix Doctor", and regularly publishes "Magic wardrobe"Columns and picture books.

In 2010, he co-published the picture book "Girls Who Kind Rainbow" with the author + Sora +. In 2011, published a collection of short picture books "Fairy Tale Forest".

Personal publications include "A LONG TIME AGO", "SODA", "LEUKA ANTIQUES", "Temple Fair" and other illustrated collections and picture books. Masterpieces: "FINDING UNICON", "Water Color Paper Airplane", "12 Princes", "Beauty and the Beast Variations", "Rainbow Girls", "Cats in Boots", "Mint".

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