- Title:Selected Collection of Popular Illustrator's Charm Male Character Illustrations
- Original Title: BOY MEETS...GRAPH ボーイミーツグラフ: The charming young boy. Masculine tracing
- Author: PIE BOOKS
- Publisher:PIE International (パイインターナショナル)
- Publication Date: 2015-12-17
- Language:Japanese
- ISBN10: 4756247229
- ISBN13:9784756247223
- Binding:Paperback / 192 pages / 25.6 x 18.2 x 1.5 cm
- Price:JPY¥2,400 (TAAZE second-hand book)
In the past, many publications with women as the subject still accounted for a large number of works, so PIE International planned this collection of 79 outstanding illustrators and cartoonists depicting "male" works.
The cover is drawn by the illustrator "Sichunqi". The appearance of the collection and the black powder on the inside cover are very design.
I also specially invited 5 people from "Suzuki Jiro", "Shanggechi", "Fujimiya", "Ryu Nai Tetsuya" and "Sichun Period" to draw new pictures for this book~
There is my favorite Shangyuedi! The new picture ``Goldfish'' drawn in this book is also very good🐟
- Shangyuedi|NOSTALGIA: Paintings of Shangyuedi
- Shangyuedi | Extremely Colored Boy: Shangyuedi's Second Painting Collection
- Shangyuedi | Juvenile Dancing: Shangyuedi's Third Painting Collection
- Shang Yuedi|Yan Han Painting Collection-Shang Yuedi 10th Anniversary Edition
The book contains many illustrations that are familiar, including many well-known BL cartoonists XD
The author information box is detailed with a personal profile, words to say, community accounts, and drawing tools.
Every illustrator is 2 pages long (except for the special drawing at the front), most of which are a full-page work on the right page, and a few pictures on the left page, so the presentation of some works will appear too small.
Official Introduction
The first collection of character data collected on the theme of beautiful boys and men!
In recent years, comics and games targeted at females have become very popular. The manga artists and illustrators who make drafts for the game industry are like a hundred flowers in full bloom. This book has collected nearly 80 illustrators and cartoonists and their works, all of which are designed by various attractive men with women as the main target. In addition to basic materials and representative works of illustrators and cartoonists, there are also selected works. For the cover, please go to the well-known illustrator Sichunqi who drew characters for "Touken Ranbu -ONLINE-". In addition, works by Suzuki Jiro, Suzuki Chi, Fujimiya, Ryu Nai Tishishiya and others are also included. In addition to full of illustrations and manga artist information, the exquisite illustrations are also worth collecting!
Descrição tracing writer
Suzuki Jiro / Shangyukiji / Fujimitoya / 流れないテッシュ/ 思春期
Canggu Kara/ アキハルノビタ/ Asojima ヨシユキ/ ありいめめこ/ ウダジョ/ Junmiya るか/ 円jin Anmaru/ Toda Shiho/ Ogawa Chiyo/ Ogata Ryogo/ Ogata Ryogoキナコ/ 桐 Yataka/ Kusama さかえ/ くにみつ/ 黒裄/ ここかなた/ 湖住ふじこ/ 殺トカロ/ 榊空也/ サきらききききききききききききききききききききききききききききききききかきZhidao とひろ/ 思春期/ しまこ/ じゃのめ/ SHOOWA/ しろま/ Suzuki Jiro/ スズケン/ セカイメメグル/ serori/ 頂グこまこままこままましまままこししままこここしままま/ / 直江まりも/ 尚月地/流れないテッシュ/ 梨とりこ/ 西のり子/ 乃一ミクロ/ white/ pako/ 哈ッカワークス/ 羽鳥まりえ/ BISAI / 都ひひだみ藤/冨士原良/Furuya モコ/ ma2 / みずかねりょう/ Mizuki ゆい/ Mutsuki ムンク/ Six seven quality/ めろ/ ヤマコ/ Yamamoto シロ/ Shanxi ヅコ/ Yamamoto アねヅふ/ Snow Yodogawa
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