- Title:Peter Rabbit Looking for Easter Egg Pop-up Book
- Original Title:A Pop-up Easter Egg Hunt
- Author:Beatrix Potter (Beatrix Potter)
- Publisher:Shaanxi People's Education Press
- Publication Date:2017-06-01
- Language:Simplified Chinese
- ISBN13:9787545050868
- Binding:精裝 / 12 頁 / 普通級 / 1-1
- Price:RMB¥ 79.80

In fact, I was not very familiar with the story of Peter Rabbit when I was a child (even if it's a children's book), I just feel that this little bunny in a blue coat will be printed on many items and gift boxes around me (Usually not cheap). It was not until the university took a course "Children's Books" that he read Peter Rabbit's text page by page and analyzed the meaning of the illustrations one by one.
It just so happened that there were two weeks of classes in the semester talking about the texts of Ms. Potter and Peter Rabbit, and the pop-up book. At that time, I was assigned to report on the topic of "pop-up book". I happily took it to the classroom to show 🤣 This book also happens to use quite a few types of pop-up book techniques~ It is very healing to watch the yellow duck flap its wings 🐤🐥
It will always be remembered that Peter Rabbit's dad was eaten by Mr. Mak's pie...(what a scary kid book)
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〈Through Imagination [Pop-up Book Exhibition] Elegant cats are presented in three-dimensional for the first time [Cats in famous paintings POP UP BOOK] 66% off for a limited time〉

Official Introduction
Before Easter, Peter the Rabbit and his friends hunt for eggs in the vegetable garden and woods and prepare an Easter meal. Can you help Naughty Peter find all the easter eggs smoothly? Beatrix. "Peter Rabbit Finds Easter Eggs Pop-up Book" by Beatrix Potter interestingly presents the new story of the classic picture book Peter Rabbit through flipping, pulling, pop-up pages and other interactive forms.

About the Author
Beatrix Potter (Beatrix Potter)
July 28, 1866 - December 22, 1943
British author, illustrator, natural scientist and conservationist. She is known for her children's books depicting animals, such as "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" and other related works.
Porter has published 30 books, of which 24 are children's storybooks. Her writings continue to be sold around the world, translated into many languages, and made into songs, films, ballets, and animations; her life has also been made into films and TV series.

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