- Title:Asian Illustrator Yearbook Collections 2015
- Author:More than 250 Asian illustrators
- Publisher:Sbooker Publications
- Publication Date:2015-01-01
- Language:traditional Chinese
- ISBN10:9865728265
- ISBN13:9789865728267
- Binding:Hardcover / 304 pages / 16k / 19 x 26 x 1.52 cm / Normal grade / Full color printing / First edition
- Hardcover edition pricing:800 yuan
- Paperback edition pricing:500 yuan(Books.com.tw 博客來)

Fundraising page:https://www.zeczec.com/projects/collection-2015
Official Introduction
Change the world with illustrations! Create a ticket for yourself to cross the ages and borders, gather 250 master illustrators from all walks of life, challenge the limits of creativity, and show off amazing works. The book contains more than 1200 excellent works, creating a new field of illustration.
This book contains Kenny Wong, the chairman of the Hong Kong Illustrators Association and Molly designer Kenny Wong, a well-known online graphic creator in Taiwan, Wan Wan, the first Taiwanese girl’s comic work "Brahma Change", and successfully authorized the Japanese cartoonist Gao Yong, who has designed countless BO2, the head of Weiwei Xincun, a well-known stationery and cartoon miscellaneous goods, the author of the popular domestic paper gift industry, Huang Xiwen, the super-popular workplace blogger Mark, the well-known illustrator Masai Kyo, the first to appear in the Japan Weekly Peng Jie, the cartoonist of the juvenile JUMP comic magazine, and outstanding illustrators such as Mr. HH and Lu's, who have recently emerged as new illustrators, participated in this illustrator's annual event.
"It's not enough to love painting, you have to hold a paintbrush for the rest of your life!"
The book interviews the famous elders and their advice to new illustrators. After the advent of the digital age, as the threshold for obtaining creative technology and tools has become lower, what we should really think about is:
- How to tell stories through images?
- How to influence the viewer through the screen?
- When can Taiwan have its own Hello Kitty?
- How to integrate creation, production, distribution and even export abroad?
Famous senior Q&A
✤ What is the difference between drawing a corporate spokesperson and an illustration?
✤ How to break away from ordinary paper output and have a different idea?
✤ How to integrate design creation with the real environment?
✤ How to incorporate illustrations into the design? Can you add points to your design?

About the Author
More than 250 Asian illustrators
Mark, Wanwan, Kenny Wong, Wang Xinming, BO2, Marseille Kyo, Huang Xiwen, Gao Yong, Peng Jie, Yuezang, CHuN, Winner Yang Yang Shengzhi, Big Berry Sheep, Guo Yanfu, Egg Head, Mr. HH, Lu's, Hey, Wei, Nose Girl, Ren 2, Lu Xiaotao, Wu Xiaobo, Hollys, Aussing, Titi, Floating Girl, Egg Girl, Lenny, Pumpkin Head Girl, Gran, Hao Mian, Hong Yue, Meng Lun, Huang Yu, Wei Cheng, Good People Letter, Jiang Mingzhi, Xu Zhenghao, Hana, Chuangks, Mou, Wu Xiaobo, Roger Space, Fart Bear, Save the Guest, Gabi Gebi, Banana Camera Boris Yang, Double Ten Festival, Zhong Haowei, Duga Chen Zhiwei, Disdain Cat, Yang Abu, Young and Yuan, Ka Lefu, Sheep Lin, Wang Yahua, Xiao Hua, Feifei Fei, Chi Chi, Fan Yu, Joyce, Karmen Li, PIN, Fu Xiang, Ganzy, Tu Ni, Sitting, Ye Xiaoguang , Moo Mi, Qiu Jin, Kiwi, Wang Lewei, Miao Yi, Xiaoy, Seven, Xiaoshu, Chen Qinglin, Pi Ge, PINKRABBITs GRAPHIC DESIGN, Uncle Capa, HappyNo, Muscle, Girl Rose, Jason Lai, Shih-Fen , Huang Xiang, Whale Sheep, a dozen onions, Lin Lianen, Brenda, Lai Yanting, Biting Cat, Itzan, 071, YEH-YA, kian, Laissi, Huang Beiqi, Ma Lianghui, Breeze, Evanna, OAOstudio, Xu Qijun, Jin Yunxuan, Monkey Fish Goose, Puff Sisters, Davinci Alan, Guanzi, YiChi Lin, Micky Huang, Li Jinxian, Chen Xiaobao, Yaoyue, Xiao Maoer, Morphine Sheep, Lan Lan, Li Xiaobai, Comprehensive Flavor, HG Lin, Andrea Cat, Pei Ji Meng Paradise, Hong Duck Duck, Xylon Sugar, Sabina, Ziqi, Mi Di'er, Steak Sauce, Good Night Wang, Jasper.C, Si Mo Kui, dotdot, Lan Zhen, Tao Wei, sunny chung, frog, frog, Chone, Mi Yabo, Daniel, Liu Piaoxuan, Yazi ARZ, Zhicaozi, AT, Yang Mengxin, Amo, Alan Bay, Yang Shuqing, Liu Siling, fumi.03, Lanin Y., Zheng Xinghui, Lai Huachang, ChaCha, Cai Zhongyou, Ping Xi Chen, Christo, Thirteen Meow, Pan Xiaoqing, Lin Bingze, lulu Yang, Mu Cang Aoi, Mu. City, caisiou, Cangziyou, Eza, Daydreamer's, Kokko yan, SweaterBOO, Ma Ganyan, ELijah, Cayman Chang, Mifa So, Ye Xiaoxing, Zhou Jieke, Lu Peixing, hime, Xiaomiao, Tree Bud, Mok Vok, Rain, dizzi, Super Bull, Cat Jue, Mao Li, Alie Yali, Weng Renhui, Blue Sea and Blue Sky, Li Cairong, Chao, SYU, Qiao Cat, Su Xiaoqi, BEER, KayXie, Pirdow, RavenLam, ROBOX, Bloody Yang, Mosa bear, 咻咻熊, yangyang, cabbage, okonomiyaki, bread yellow, JING, Dailili, JUJU, Mililu, pincer invasion, Oscar, Dora.J. Gedola, Xie Gougou, Dian Piao Liuli, Jil Wang, Carbon Cloth, Muta Fat Tiger, Kukz, Gan Jialun, Tang Yi, Koizumi, Hou Yuxi, Zhan Yongqing, Sakana Lin, Helpless Bear, ChiaBB Gaby, Kicking Horse, KONE, Chen Pangding, FREE INK Free Ink, White Jimmy, Mr. Dom, Su Guanzhi, Dong Shixing, Monster Theo, Wu Shangyue, Wang Yutang, Ge Yizhong, Sensen, CMTANG, Bones fish, Oro, Haoyin, Diza, Poker Ace, Quan Quan, Andrew Green Tea, Bruce Bear Zodiac, Ring Ring, Wei Zhuya, Ovaltine, BunSyo, MIZ, shimmer molecule yuzi, Huang Zhiping, Qing Guo.
Asian Illustration Association

- Taiwan Illustrators Association Timeline 04-05
- Message from the Vice Chairman 06-07
- Color your life – Fandora interview 08-09
- Save your own Taiwanese illustration – Interview with the illustrator industry 10-11
- A creative cradle created with heart-Interview with Director Huang Guoli, Department of Visual Communication, South Taiwan University of Science and Technology 12-13
- Let your unlimited creativity come alive – An interview with Zheng Haoyuan 14-15
- Wandering between design and illustration – Interview with BenBen Wishes 16-17
- Illustrator works 18-303

I saw this book when I went to the free illustration exhibition in Huashan Cultural and Creative Park in 2015. At that time, I used the student discount to buy the hardcover version (with postcards and bags) at the price of the paperback version. Although the printing cost of this kind of book is relatively high, it still feels a bit too expensive. Nowadays, many people are selling second-hand books to find cheap ones. (TAAZE & Shrimp auction)
The texture of the inside cover (inside cover?) is very good. However, the pictures included in this book are a bit too small and too complicated, and only some of them are my favorite pictures. I don’t really like the small design of the pictures. I don’t think I can collect so many authors (there are more than 250), but choose the pictures carefully and enlarge them~
I didn’t collect the later books. If you are interested, you can refer to:
- Asia Illustrations Yearbook 2016 ASIA ILLUSTRATIONS COLLECTIONS
- Asia Illustrations Yearbook 2018 ASIA ILLUSTRATIONS COLLECTIONS
- Asian Illustrations Yearbook: Collection of Colors•Crazy

The illustration exhibition held in Huashan Cultural and Creative Park that year↓

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