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  • Title:Artists in Taiwan: Taiwanese illustrations. Cartoonist Art Collection
  • Author:pixiv
  • Publisher:Gaea Books
  • Publication Date:2021-03-09
  • Language:Traditional Chinese / Japanese
  • ISBN13:9789863195375
  • Binding:平裝 / 200 頁 / 19 x 26 x 1.5 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • Price:550 yuan (KingStone 金石堂)
  • Gift: Postcard x 1



開箱這種精選圖集最大的糾結是要拍哪些繪師的作品,尤其是每位插畫家只有一面(2 頁)的篇幅,還有很多很棒的圖沒有放上來。而且要實體的印刷才能看得出細節,喜歡的話就去買一本支持吧!

這一本畫集整整收錄了「台灣」的 83 位插畫家的作品,許多都是大家耳熟能詳、家喻戶曉(?)的台灣插畫家,或是你一定有在哪裡看過他們的圖(X)。當然囿於篇幅有限這只是冰山一角,還有超多厲害的台灣插畫家沒收進來!

The title of the album cover has a good effect of hot silver (also on the side of the book). I always feel that the paper on the inner pages has a pearlescent effect. Somehow the outer cover of the book will slide around easily during the reading and appreciation process. The cover image is drawn by VOFAN, and the interview with Say HANa and the drawing process are also included at the end of the book.

In addition to the collection of works, the collection also contains information about the illustrator, including the language used, mailbox, URL, and various platform accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), but it is not necessarily real-time. It is found that there are some cases where the illustrator has changed Account name, and "None" is written in the book, but the painter actually has an account (maybe I don't want to provide it for inclusion). At the bottom is bilingual self-introduction in Chinese and Japanese~ (By the way, this is a simultaneous release from Taiwan and Japan)

很開心有這麼一本集齊了很多我喜歡的插畫家作品的精選集,雖然之前在某一篇文有提到沒有很喜歡收合集類的作品,但只要圖不要太過雜亂(大小不一、圖量過多過小沒有篩選過),有好好編排過,整本欣賞下來還是很過癮的!像是這本大小的 2 頁篇幅我覺得 3 – 4 幅作品就已經是極限了,超過的話欣賞的品質會大打折扣,因為沒辦法看到很多小細節。

If you want to get to know many powerful illustrators who cover all kinds of painting styles at once, this collection is really suitable for purchase, but there are relatively few illustrators drawing new pictures for this collection. I personally think that if there is a common theme (such as: related to Taiwan) to include works, it would be quite interesting!

📍 下一集開箱:《Artists in Taiwan 2022:臺灣插畫.漫畫家藝術精選

📍 下面是幾位有開箱過其他畫集作品的插畫家:

Related unpacking: "OTONA FANTASY-VOFAN Adult Fantasy Drawing Collection-", "Charm-VOFAN Adult Fantasy Drawings 2-

Related unpacking: "Ten-color Qianjing AKRU ART WORKS

Related unpacking: "We Stay, We Live Bay", "Mindfulness", "Uniform is supreme", "Uniform is supreme 2", "Uniform Supreme 3", "The strongest queen: Oh, my Goddess!", "Huwei Painting Post: Anthropomorphism of Danshui Historic Site", "Bunny Bunny Bang!", "狩 SOUL》系列。

Official Introduction

◆ 全球用戶超過 6000 萬人,日本最大插畫、漫畫投稿網站 pixiv 完全監修。
◆ Get it in one book! A selection of 83 popular Taiwan illustrators, classic color pictures, and social accounts are all accepted.

Supervised by pixiv, it includes 83 unique Taiwanese painters' works, covering original art works such as illustrations, animations, and comics. It also includes artist emails, personal websites, Facebook, Twitter, IG, pixiv and other social accounts, which can be called Catalogue of Taiwan's strongest illustrations.

This is an unprecedented catalogue of the lineup of Taiwanese painters, whether it is a company seeking cooperation with Meitu, or a creator who dreams of working in illustration, or even readers who love to appreciate pictures and follow the author. Read the complete information in this book.

◆ pixiv is a well-known creative community in Japan. It provides users with submitted illustrations, comics, novels and other creative works. Readers can also directly feedback ideas to creators. It is a creative community website composed of creators' works and fans' feedback and support. In 2021, the number of global users has exceeded 60 million, and the number of traditional Chinese users has exceeded 2 million.

This book is presented as a book-style painting collection, with selected color pictures and information of Taiwanese creators, and invited well-known illustrators VOFAN to talk with Say HANa. The two creators are good at dealing with light, shadow and color, and their painting style is delicate and moving. In the interview, the two senior illustrators' road to illustration and the stories behind the unique collaborations also gave novice illustrators 100% practical tips.

◆ Released simultaneously in Taiwan and Japan, complete information is presented in both Chinese and Japanese.

Published simultaneously in Taiwan and Japan, the content presents the author's resume and work information in both Chinese and Japanese. Through this book, Taiwan's abundant and diverse creative power is shown at home and abroad, increasing the exposure of authors and works, and thereby promoting business cooperation opportunities.


  • 010-175 – All illustrator works
  • 178 – Interview with Say HANa × VOFAN
  • 192 – VOFAN cover history
  • 194-Say HANa's new picture history
  • 198-pixiv related service platform introduction

About the Editor


Japan's largest illustration and manga submission site.

83 artists included (in alphabetical stroke order)

Ahoi | AKRU | ANTENNA cattle fish | Apize | Atha | BcNy | BARABABABA | Blaze Wu | CLEA | COLAKA | FierceGhost.Y | Glycan | Hiten | JUN CHIU | Kare | kinono | LOIZA | LONLON | MAKAI | Melonplus | NIN | NuDa | PAPARAYA | Pixel Jeff | PUMP | Raimochi | Ro ru | ROCKAT Rock Cat | ROKU | Roy | Say HANa | Shanshan Kuo | shih sawana | SIBYL Siberu | Silver Silver | VIVI Compound | VOFAN | YKU Oops | Yu Cheng Hong | ZECO | はちはち| Senior Brother Yimei| Ermao| Xiaoyao| Sammy/Sammixyz| Directional Disorder| Water 々| Water pear| Zuo Xuan| Bliss| Aizi/66 | Aka Sauce| Tonyin| Empty Can King| 庠 Yin | Monday Recycling Day| Zhenni Salty Congee| I Zhengdu| Chai Ran| Chunsiu| Chi You| Miziyaki| Gao Yan| Achen| Xueyuzi | Yusheng | Kaizibao | Zhazi JAZ | Glass | Age | Ruidu | Aike Echo | Ye Mingxuan | Ye Changqing | Toru | Xianyan | Piaotia | Mutant Jelly

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  1. I got the book so soon 😳 Feel the quality of the book is good? You can collect several works of painters you like on P station at once
    I like the style of AKRU and Piaotia, and hope to open more works with similar styles ♥

