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  • Title:Art Quarter vol.16 Stunning food illustrations
  • English Title:Tempting Food Illustrations: An overwhelming banquet for the senses!
  • Magazine name:Art Quarter
  • Publisher:Moon Art
  • Publication Date:2017-07-19
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • Bar code:977230428000607
  • Binding:Paperback/ 208 pages/ Normal grade/ Full color printing
  • Price:480 yuan (Books.com.tw 博客來 456 yuan)



This is a magazine type illustration collection. Assembled Food illustrations by 22 illustrators, Quite interesting (delicious)🍰

In the process of appreciating the illustrations, you will feel that in addition to the "visual" senses, certain foods will also make up their own scents, creating the illusion of using "smell" 🤣 or even taste (X)

You can feast your eyes on various types of illustrations, especially like prints and works with special printing colors!

Official Introduction

Good food is unforgettable, so use illustrations to capture the soul of the food and reproduce the deliciousness!

The best food illustrations, showing you the food gestures written by creators from Russia, Thailand, Finland, Bulgaria, Austria and other countries. In addition to the secrets of food illustrations, it also includes illustrators’ private restaurants, specialty dishes and their recommended food classics. Works, more than 300 food illustration creations, all delicious foods from various countries are included!

※ 28 delicious illustration stories ※

→ Q & A Q&A, accurately revealing the secrets of 22 illustrators’ gourmet illustrations

The prerequisites for perfect food illustration x delicious recipe creation techniques are public x one-handed paintbrush and one-handed illustration life

→ Long interviews, in-depth understanding of the delicious relationship between 6 illustrators and food

Interesting life because of food x Good memories about taste x Cooking food and life following the solar terms

※ In addition to delicious, there is more ※

→ Printmaking, watercolors, colored pencils, serigraphy, markers, ink, digital processing and other multiple media, food illustrations have unlimited possibilities!

→ Illustrated recipes, colorful dessert notes, healthy prints menus, delicious sketches on the journey, and delicacies reported with illustrations!

→ The black agricultural products made purely with ink, the simulated cakes on Yueran paper, and the retro silk-printed banquet, it turns out that food illustrations can be so beyond imagination!

Author list

afu│Alya Markova│Anna Rastorgueva│Barbara Dziadosz│Boyoun Kim│Catrain Shih cat. Sure enough│Clair Rossiter│dailydraw studio│Ellen Blonder│Emmy Reis│Jeannie Phan │Judy Unger│Kendyll Hillegas│Leena Kisonen│Lotta Kühlhorn│Maïté Franchi│Nanna Prieler│Nick Liefhebber│Sara Mulvanny│Sunga Park│Sara Mulvanny│Sunga Park │Chen Guanzhen│Chen Shuli│Sherry Painting Journal│Ye Yiying│Seed Design│Fujii Kei

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