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  • Title:Sword and Expedition Story Character Art Setting Collection AFK ARENA
  • Editor:Origi Co., Ltd.
  • Publisher:Fantasy Base
  • Publication Date:2020-02-29
  • Language:traditional Chinese
  • ISBN13:9789869865807
  • Binding:Hardcover / 200 pages / 28 x 21 x 1.8 cm / Normal grade / Full color printing / First edition
  • Price:599 yuan
  • First Print Gift:Snow Mira eye mask, virtual treasure

Official Introduction

★ Won the best casual game of Google Play 2019
★ Over 10 million downloads worldwide, super beautiful mobile game
★ The top five super-popular mobile games by global revenue in 2020

The art team is inspired by Celtic mythology, and the heroic image is like an illustration in an epic ancient book.
The details of the card decoration are all customized by the faction, and each card is in the bag.
Contains the origin stories of the seven camps, hero stories, fetters stories, and character relationship diagrams, perfectly presenting the details of each hero in the Isomian continent and the initial art settings.

Content extension:https://youtu.be/W0P5-qKbYzo


  • Prologue: Origin 005
  • Chapter 1: Empire of Light 011
  • Chapter 2: Brutal Blood Tribe 043
  • Chapter Three: Green League 073
  • Chapter 4: Legion of the Undead 099
  • Chapter 5: Demigod 125
  • Chapter 6: Demon 137
  • Chapter 7: Void Guest 147
  • Chapter 8: Fetters Story 151
  • Chapter 9: World Map 187
  • appendix

About the Editor

Origi Co., Ltd.

Original! Simple and sincere! Is our corporate philosophy!

It represents Origi's self-expectation to become a world-class game company, so that hope and happiness can germinate and grow strong, and it is our mission to give every player satisfaction and touch.

● These few of the Green League like them very much~ ↓

● I want to be a banshee to win the world ↓



The first brush has a blindfold to give Xuemira (the character inside) and a virtual treasure (to give it to my dad as a birthday gift 🤣) Before "Sword and Expedition" was first launched in Taiwan, I played for a while, but later deleted . But I still like the art style and settings of this game, which is different from many mobile games nowadays~

This set is a hardcover book. The characters on the front cover and the side of the book are gilded. The black bottom is quite textured but easier to stain. The content mainly contains detailed settings/pictures of each character in the seven camps, but each character actually only has one side (two pages), not a lot. The table of contents is densely packed, and each role has to be called a second-in-two (🤣) nickname. The book also contains stories about the bonds between the characters, world maps, and character relationship diagrams. Most of the entire book is occupied by text. If you just want to look at the pictures, you may find that there are too many texts. These contents seem to be in the game. There is.

● Bond story ↓

● Character relationship diagram↓

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▌Second-Hand Book (may not be available)

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