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  • Title:《繁花盛開春季之美立體書》
  • English Title: “Flora: A Botanical Pop-Up Book”
  • Paper Art:Yoojin Kim
  • Illustrator:Kathryn Selbert
  • 文字:Nicole Yen
  • Publisher:Jumping Jack Press
  • Publication Date:2020-03-31
  • Language:: English
  • ISBN10:1623486564
  • ISBN13:9781623486563
  • Binding:精裝 / 16 頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • Price:US$34.99(Books.com.tw 博客來)

💬 書評



由三位作者——Yoojin Kim(紙藝)、Kathryn Selbert(插畫)、Nicole Yen(文字)創作,並在 2020 年由 Jumping Jack Press 出版。

書中包含了 7 個精緻的立體場景,每個場景由不同花卉、植物、動物交織而成;例如:蜜蜂在花間飛舞、蜂鳥啜飲花蜜、蓮葉上的蹦跳青蛙等。🐝





📍 Official Introduction


有些花以特殊的顏色和香氣,吸引蜜蜂傳遞花粉,而蜜蜂則把採到的花蜜釀製成蜂蜜。同樣肩負傳遞花粉任務的還有昆蟲和鳥類,你知道有超過 300 種以上的果實仰賴蝙蝠來傳遞花粉嗎?植物完成授粉後,產生果實和種子,但你知道不是每種植物都有果實嗎?

7 個高精緻度的立體場景,細膩的紙藝呈現多重層次的視覺效果,搭配互動式小機關,邀請讀者置身春日的美麗花海,了解美麗花朵在大自然中扮演的重要角色,閱讀的同時也增進對大自然的了解,在立體書頁間感受季節之美。

Peek inside this spring-inspired pop-up book and discover how flowers are more than just beautiful; they are critical components of the natural world. Bees buzz, hummingbirds sip, and bats flit amongst the brilliant petals. Each spread is filled with unique pop-ups, revealing pull-tabs, and captivating facts.

(介紹文字取自 Books.com.tw 博客來)

📍 About the Author

Yoojin Kim

Yoojin Kim is a paper engineer, designer, and world traveler. Her wanderlust and fascination with flora and fauna is evident in her work, which is heavily influenced by both the geometric and organic structures found in nature. She holds a BFA in Printmaking from Maryland Institute College of Art and spends her time designing dimensional products for personal and commercial clients. She resides in a cozy New Haven apartment with her curious hedgehogs, Kimchi and Olive.

Kathryn Selbert

Kathryn Selbert is a freelance illustrator and designer currently based in New York City with her French bulldog Margot. She earned her BFA in Illustration from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). She happily creates illustrations for children, pattern, greeting cards, stationery and events.

Nicole Yen

Nicole Yen is a designer and wordsmith. She spends most of her time sketching on paper or crafting sentences in the studio–taking breaks to propagate plants and explore local forests. She holds a BFA in Communication Design from Washington University in St. Louis and Flora is her first children’s book authorship.

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