Cinyee Chiu 作品《Stone of Youth》(青春之石)在 FLiPER 募資達到門檻,附贈的 24 節氣書籤,真的超級喜歡!未來也會開箱以同一系列插圖跟「海裡魚」合作的木質拼圖~
繪本開箱傳送門:【開箱.繪本】Cinyee Chiu|Stone Of Youth 青春之石
本體含收納盒和裡面的 24 張書籤。每一個節氣的插圖都非常用心在設計,用上了與當季有連結的意象、動植物等,配色與小圖騰也十分好看,很符合各個節氣帶給人的感受!每一張書籤背後還都有短短的節氣小語。
中等厚度的滑面紙質,真的很適合作為書籤(廢話),但怕會弄丟還是 24 張好好收著好了(X)。
- 立春 LiChun (Start of Spring) | Lake ice starting to melt, fishes approach to the surface.
- 雨水 YuShui (Rain Water) | Rains a lot, Otters hunts fish.
- 驚蟄 JingZhe (Awakening of Insects) | Thunderstorms wake up the hibernating insects.
- 春分 ChunFen (Vernal Equinox) | Swallows making thier northward migration, day time is as long as night time.
- 清明 QingMing (Clear and Bright) | The paulownia begins to bloom, Rainbows begin to appear.
- 穀雨 GuYu (Grain Rain) | Time to plant ginger, Peony blooms.
- 立夏 Lixia (Start of Summer) | Asparagus; peach.
- 小滿 XiaoMan (Grain Full) | Grain rice gradually turn plump; litchi.
- 芒種 MangZhong (Grain in Ear) | Grains such as barley or wheat covered with spikes.
- 夏至 XiaZhi (Summer Solstice) | Summer’s extreme, longest day time; watermelon.
- 小暑 XiaoShu (Minor Heat) | The second hottest period; papaya.
- 大暑 DaShu (Major Heat) | The hottest period in the year; firefly.
- 立秋 LiQiu (Start of Autumn) | Longan.
- 處暑 ChuShu (Limit of Heat) | Bamboo shoot.
- 白露 BaiLu (White Dew) | Getting cool, dew appears on leaves in the early morning; pitaya, taro.
- 秋分 QiuFen (Autumnal Equinox) | Day time is as long as night time; green onion, pear.
- 寒露 HanLu (Cold Dew) | The geese finished their migration in summer; lotus root.
- 霜降 ShuangJiang (Frost Descent) | Persimmon, yam.
- 立冬 LiDong (Start of Winter) | Sugar-apples.
- 小雪 XiaoXue (Minor Snow) | Grape, Chinese cabbage.
- 大雪 DaXue (Major Snow) | Cabbage, kumquat.
- 冬至 DongZhi (Winter Solstice) | Winter’s extreme, longest night time. Deer shed their antlers. Eating pink and white tangyuan in the family reunion.
- 小寒 XiaoHan (Minor Cold) | Eurasian magpie start to feel the warm and build the nest; crown daisy.
- 大寒 DaHan (Major Cold) | Falcon hunting, ice layer on water become the thickest in the year; radish.
by Cinyee Chiu – https://www.behance.net/gallery/38204839/The-24-Solar-Terms-Character-Design/modules/237073071
Cinyee Chiu
受幾米啟發,從小就對繪本、畫畫深感興趣。受主流價值觀影響,大學選讀經濟學系,繞了一大圈才回到原點,重拾畫筆,認真看待自己的才華與夢想。2014 年赴美攻讀馬里蘭藝術大學(Maryland Institute College of Art)插畫碩士,畢業後,初試啼聲便獲獎連連,受 Society of Illustrators, Applied Art, 3×3, AOI Prize for Illustration, Creative Quarterly, Hiii 等國際插畫比賽肯定。
畢製作品《青春之石》(Stone of Youth)是 Cinyee 以自身經驗為藍本的創作,反映年輕世代內心的徬徨與無力,不僅自己在創作的過程中獲得療癒,作品也引發海內外網友的龐大共鳴。
The End.
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